Well, nobody from IT has
arrived at my desk yet – clearly that cunning codeword “Foofoodilly” was worth
inventing. I did invent it, didn’t
I? Sorry, my memory’s not what it was –
it comes with being 56, you know. Why
yes it IS my birthday today! How kind of
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Your humble scribe. Who is 56. Or did I tell you that already? |
By now you ought to know the
loathing I have for Windbag Willy Shakespeare.
I speculated that he got paid by the word, and I may have been
right. I mean, why spout out “But soft,
what light from yonder window breaks? It
is Juliet -” when you could succinctly put it as “Hello Juliet”. Yes yes yes I do blather on here, except
nobody’s paying me and I don’t put myself around as the acme of perfection in
the English language*. Let us lay about
the Bark of Avon. Commence!
“A rose by any other name would
smell as sweet.”
Well, yes, Bill, but that’s
rather a cheat.
It’s a gestalt process when you
smell a rose,
You use all your senses, not
just your nose.
You do too use all your senses
– have you never had rose-petal tea?
Jolly nice, if a little pricey. I
may have to revert to that if Darjeeling goes out of volume production.
Close enough |
As further evidence of Bill’s propensity to
babble on, look no further than his insults:
“The devil damn thee black,
thou cream-faced loon!”
This is Bill’s way of saying
you’re a poltroon.
It’s a long-winded way of
throwing a fit.
He could just as easily have said
“You git”
I rest my case for the moment. Rest assured I’ll be back, I’m having
entirely too much fun with this.
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Conrad. Having fun. |
You Want To Press The Self-Destruct Switch?
I bet you’ve never sat down and
worked out the design specs for a self-destruct system, have you? Currently I’m working on a flow-chart for the
safe operation of such a system, but I do already have a text version and here it
is –
Just think about it. You have considered the worst-case option –
everything has gone pear-shaped and there will shortly be a knock at the door
from UNIT or the FBI any moment now.
So! You need to get rid of all
the evidence, your incriminating minions and any embarrassing witnesses. Here is where the Self Destruct Button comes
into play. Hang on – let me just chck
that Ben Folds is still alive – Phew!
Yes he is, it was just a touch of flu - Those design specs in more
RELIABILITY: your SD needs to work with 100% reliability
with no provisos or doubts, guaranteed.
No tricky software or mechanisms that have 157 separate moving parts – a
handpull lever requiring 40 Newtons of force to move will do just fine. Make sure it’s situated at height – it
wouldn’t do to trip over it and blow yourself to Kingdom Come un-necessarily. The “40 Newtons” bit is to also ensure that
it doesn’t trip in a stiff breeze or if some idiot stumbles against it; you
never know with minions after a heavy weekend’s drinking.
I happen to know this fella's reading this item and making notes ... |
Carefully Crashes Catastrophically
Actually I am anticipating
events somewhat. Cassini, lest you be
unaware, is the far-distant satellite scouting Saturn, not a drunk driver. It has been out there a loooong time – 13 years,
in fact. Although elderly it is still
quite hale (much like Conrad, who is 56 today – did I mention this already?) –
so I’m sure you are asking yourself why are they getting rid of it?
Well, there are quite enough things flying
around space without adding to the total.
More pertinently, Cassini is going to run out of manoeuvring fuel soon,
turning it into a potential planet-buster.
Actually that’s only in the demented
dreams of the conspiranoid loonwaffles; yes, Cassini does have a payload of
plutonium, 74 pounds of it, which if it were a fissile warhead
would make a bang and a crater. Not
enough to do more than scrape a planet’s surface; you tend to find conspiranoid
loonwaffles have little inkling of nuclear explosive yields.
What that payload would do,
unquestionably, is contaminate any planet it hits. This is bad, as there might be life on a
couple of the Saturnian moons, Titan and Enceladus. Bad practice to go poisoning your nearby
neighbours, doncha know.
Cassini will be sent plunging to it’s doom into the atmosphere of
Saturn, to be crushed and/or disintegrated and/or burned to a radioactive
A pretty awesome way to go.
Behold the beast |
* Though a flattering Comment
wouldn’t go amiss
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