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Sunday 27 August 2017

Dantea's Peak

Yet Again With The Tea Puns!
I suppose whether it's funny or not depends on your pronunciation.  Here in Europe, where the history comes from, people would say "Dahn-tay"; hopefully in South Canada, where the entertainment comes from, they would say "Dan-tee".  Because that makes it amusing.
     I've chosen the film merely because it resides close to me as I type these words of wonder, and I didn't think of a title before starting typing.
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The Peak - pops.
     Here an aside.  It was an expensive film to make, coming in at $116 million, and if you watch all the "Making of" vignettes you can see why - a lot of practical effects done in the days before you could wave a CGI wand at the screen.  Worldwide it made $178 million, which, even if you deduct promotion and distribution, is still a tidy profit, if not a massive one.  It did a lot better than "Volcano", which had an essentially silly premise and came out at the same time.  Volcano films, eh?  Nothing for years and then two at once.  Them studios must take management advice from First Bus and Stagecoach.
     Anyway, that's enough Intro, let the motley commence it's headlong lurching!
Image result for dante's peak linda
Linda looking fairly winsome
(here because she's in the film)

Today's Haul
As you may be aware, Conrad has of late been playing Death Cab For Cutie's epic  "Transatlanticism" several times each day, so, on a whim, I decided this afternoon, at 14:16, to catch the 14:21 bus into Babylon-lite.
     The idea was to get the eponymous album, so I could upload it to i-tunes and play it REALLY LOUDLY.  However, reality had other ideas.  Art?

     Every DCFC album but the one I wanted.  O well, into each life a little rain and all that.  I did, however, lay hands on "Wanted on Voyage" which is George Ezra's debut.  I wouldn't normally mention this, as he's a bit lightweight for Conrad's normal tastes, which run to the dark and mordant, but what the heck it's a sunny day.
     Ah yes, "The Accountant" - I've seen a <cough cough> torrent and enjoyed it, so by my rules I have to buy the real thing.

Written whilst on the bus into Babylon-lite,for the first two stanzas, anyway, and the third one is the fruit of walking Edna this afternoon.  Shall we begin?  Why yes we shall!

"If you prick us, do we not bleed?"
Since you're human, I hope so, indeed.
Were you punctured yet shed no gore,
Bill had created an exsanguinated extempore.

     Ah, them big words again!  "Exsanguinated", which this program's wretched South Canadian dictionary does not appear to understand, means having had all the blood removed from.  So, if a vampire you dated, you'd be - exsanguinated.  
     Hang on, let me just check if Ben Folds is still alive - Phew!  yes he is, it was the yacht behind his that ran onto a mine, exploded and sank - 

"If you prick us, do we not bleed?"
Yes! and the blood should exit at speed.
If it just oozes sullenly out of your bod,
Then, as the Norks* say, you'd be Dod. 

     I had to come up with that last line right now - whilst I was writing the bus pulled into Oldham Babylon-lite Bus Station.  So that's a bit of improvisation for you.

"If you prick us, do we not bleed?"
Here, common sense should intecede.
It's not on, assaulting people with pins, 
Leaving them with holes in their skins.

     You might have been able to get away with this in 1623, Billy Boy, but the Health & Safety Executive would be onto you today in an instant.  Or - get this! - in a pinstant.
Image result for atm
Remember!  Keep your PIN safe!

Still Here!
The planet in general, I mean.  Do you recall, back in the day, there were a host of swivel-eyed loonwaffles predicting that the Large Hadron Collider would variously destroy Earth, or destroy the Solar System, or the Universe, or add 5% to the cost of a television licence?
Image result for large hadron collider
This is merely "Large"?  An understatement of British proportions!
     Maybe it was 6%.  Anyway, the thing is still running and we're still here.
     Well, except we might all be dead and only think we're alive because we're in a computer program that's designed to fool us - hey, Hollywood, if you want I can do a treatment of this for %77,000?

*  Said with a cheery smile, so these Norks are the Norwegians.  And "Dod" is Norwegian for "Dead".  BOOJUM! - entertaining you whilst we also educate.

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