It's not just me, Darling Daughter used the term since I seem to be more up on contemporary music than she is.
"What is the old fool rambling on about now?" I hear you unwisely speak. Pausing only to track you down via your ISP, I shall explain.
"Death Cab For Cutie" as a name has a long history. It was an invented pulp crime magazine - don't ask, because that's another long story - that was lifted by Neil Innes and the late great (and barking mad) Viv Stanshall of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, as a song title. Well, that goes to prove that Neil and Viv had interesting reading habits. Then it was picked up by Mr. Giffard for his incipient band. Whom I had heard of, but not heard.
Rock and roll rebellion in every fibre |
And yes, still with the tea-based puns.
Well, now that I've impressed you all with my Hip Street Cred, let us move on and allow the motley to totter on it's palsied way!
O My Sense Of Humour
Contrary to what some believe, Conrad does have a sense of humour, it's just that it's very much my sense of humour. What I find hilarious might very well leave you cold or puzzled or (quite possibly) worried*.
Anyway, you recall that I used to work at the Co-Op, in what I dubbed The Electric Goldfish Bowl? Art?
Aptly named, I feel |
When I saw someone I recognised I'd rattle the cup and intone "Will Oracle for money, will Oracle for money" - that being the database they use in TEGB. I had a chat with Tom and Ian; Ian being the person I started work with at Old Bank Building many years ago.
Well, it amused me.
You may get tired of your humble hack's ever-citric attitude towards the Barn of Avon, in which case you have my permission to miss this bit. Howsoever, I like this mud-slinging far too much to stop. Next!
"Something wicked this way comes"
It's a mouldy peach, and how it hums!
So thoroughly rotten even Conrad won't touch,
And you can't say that about much.
Yes, thanks to my possession of a fusion-powered furnace instead of the human stomach, I can eat anything up to the state of rancid uncleanliness, e.g. that yoghurt that was six months past the sell-by-date. Food safety - a challenge not a warning!
Now let's have that bit from "Macbeth" and the three witches.
"When shall we three meet again?"
Given this is Scotland, in the rain.
The Highlands are full of wonderful scenery.
And rain. Much rain, hence the greenery.
I'm only using a little poetic licence there - usually it's snowing rather than raining. Next!
"When shall we three meet again?"
Well, excuse me, Mistress Vain.
Why would I want to meet a witch,
With the attractiveness of a pubic itch?
I suppose this is the pot calling the kettle black. But, you know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Except for Annette Peacock. She's gorgeous and I won't hear different. Next!
"When shall we three meet again?"
It won't be here, it'll be in Spain.
Life in Scotland is life in a freezer,
So I'm leaving here to live in Ibiza.
Ha! That's a real slap around the chops for Windbag Willy, don't you think?
Here they are - Mrs. Secret, Black and Midnight |
No, not the cartoon that used to grace Saturday morning television in "The Banana Splits Show", which had - I think, it's a good thirty years since I last watched it - a brother and sister who both had half of a magic ring. They had to combine both halves and say "Shazam" to summon a genie, and there was a donkey that kicked a lot.
I refer to the on-line recognition software, a "Zapp" as I believe the young folk call them, which I used on Thursday evening to identify a song being played over the PA system at Iceland**.
"Listen to the Man" by George Ezra, which has an amusing Youtube video to go along with it.
The link, should you wish to see it yourselves.
![]() |
Surely it would be more sensible to fix the ring and then alternate wearing it? |
* After all, how many people do you know who can design a thermonuclear warhe - er - foofoodilly?
** The retailer not the country.
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