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Sunday 4 September 2022

Our Sunday Retro

Yes Indeedy Ally Sheedy

As you should know by now BOOJUM! traditionally does a look back over our lonnnnng history, over nine years now - which rather takes me aback when stopping to think about it.  And our traditional method of enticing viewers is to put up a sleazy pulp magazine  cover that is SFW, even if only barely so.  Having said that, let us bring one of those up.  Art!

     No, sorry, got no idea who Ellis Parker Butler was.  This cover is one that is a bit of a trope in sci-fi pulp covers, marine monster menacing men on a raft.  One would also expect Necky to be a carnivourous predator given those fangs and the glee it is expressing in coming across three toothsome morsels.  One of whom has a firearm.  AIM FOR THE EYES!  AIM FOR THE EYES!  In reality, using cold hard logic, Necky wouldn't be able to raise itself above the waves like that and indeed

     Ahem.  Now for the links.


BOOJUM!: How To Split A Hair Into 127 Parts (


BOOJUM!: It's A Meddling Monk Gone Atompunk! (


BOOJUM!: We've Been Here Before (


BOOJUM!: Arnold Judas Rimmer - Space Pioneer! (


BOOJUM!: Move Over Darjeeling (


BOOJUM!: In The History Of Bad Ideas - (


BOOJUM!: It's Counsellor Troi! - Eating Some - (


BOOJUM!: Thursdash - (


BOOJUM!: Five to Nine (

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