But it would have the surpassing value of being dry. Hot, even. We are talking of active volcanoes here, I hasten to add, rather than the considerablly safer-yet-duller dormant or extinct ones. Art?
Thus |
Contrast, dear folk, contrast! For I have photographic evidence of my compatriots who braved the elements to climb Mount Snowdon, the mad impetuous fools. If the elements of antiquity were deemed to be earth, air, fire and water, then they partook of three out of four, and only missed "Fire" because Snowdon is a mountain, rather than a volcano. Art?
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There they are |
Between them they have raised over £1400 for charity, so I shall raise a (dry, sheltered and comfortable) glass to them. Have a lie-in tomorrow on me, folks.
How To Survive A Bad Film Without Having To Suffer Too Much Trauma
In days gone by one used to be able to watch terrible, terrible films by seeing them presented by "Mystery Science Theatre 3000", rather than merely suffering or enduring them. This is because the MST3K team would mercilessly riff on the film during it's entire running time, being present as silhouettes in the lower portion of your television screen. Art?
Thus. "This Island Earth" on screen |
In the meantime, Conrad has made do with "The Flophouse", which he has mentioned a couple of times already. It's a three-man podcast that riffs on films that were commercial or critical flops, preferably both together.
AND NOW A WARNING! It is emphatically Not Safe For Work, or minors, as the trio swear and mention sex. Not a lot, but it's there, so - PARENTS!!! - be responsible.
Therein the link. Perhaps your opinion might be swayed by seeing the trio - Art?
Hmmm. Maybe not. |
Keep watching the skies!
Nothing Stranger Than People
Truly, Hom. Sap. are a peculiar lot. Take the hilarious, and disturbing, website "Jim'll Paint It", where the titular Jim paints what might be called commissions from the crazed. Basically he throws open the doors to any suggestion his readers might come up with, and paints it. For example:
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Er, quite |
Conrad's Sinister Forward Planning In Action Again
You see, if I include this screenshot, which I was going to include anyway, then I can bait the promotion on FB and Twitter with a cunning rhyme. If you're not clear on what I mean then go up and look at The Flophouse, because that is for grown-ups whom we also call ADULT, and the below is one of the finest heavy metal bands of the past 50 years -
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Extra large for the benefit of old eyes. |
On Sunday I normally get to dogsit as Wonder Wifey trawls round car boot sales, except such sales depend on good weather. Here's a picture I took earlier -
- so I doubt dogsitting is high on the index of Sunday jobs to do.
Chin chin!
* Because that would be boring!
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