As you may be aware, I have recently taken to parodying, insulting and abusing the Bark of Avon, partly because I can and partly because I still resent having to study his dreadful convoluted indecipherable Olde English at O Level and A Level. Thus the blog post of "Shakeshaft" came about, which is alluded to in today's blog title, except I've got nothing so far and will have to improvise.
Nope, still nothing. Let's wait a minute -
- aaaand I still have nothing. Maybe after the mental gears get going, eh?
"Soldier From The Wars Returning" By Charles Carrington
As you know by now, Conrad has an unhealthy obsession with military history. Don't complain, it keeps him from pouring petrol into post boxes followed by a lit match. The volume of memoirs above is one of his current reads, written 50 years after events, which gives it a certain cool perspective and the ability to add in what wasn't known at the time the First Unpleasantness was being played out.
It was published in 1965, and is based partly on diary and journal entries that the young Carrington made at the time, which he worked up into an earlier memoir published under the pseudonym "Charles Edmonds", entitled "A Subaltern's War". A subaltern being a junior officer.
Conrad, being unhealthily interesting in military history, and books, wondered about possibly looking up ASW on Abebooks -
Dog Buns! The cheapest edition came in at £17. I shall, perhaps, wait a little longer to see if a better bargain comes up.
Mr Carrington went on to a distinguished career in academia - no fool he - and here we come across evidence of same. You may have heard the word "Triumvirate", describing a trio of partners in a common enterprise. Charles describes the German generals Ludendorff and Hindenberg in the far rarer word "duumvirate", meaning a duo of partners in a common enterprise.
One wonders how many years the good Professor had been waiting to use that particular, specific, unique word!
"What's This!"
- exclaimed Baggers*** at work today.
For a moment I wondered if she meant my angled monitor screen, which is pitched at an angle of 25 degrees from horizontal, because (as the right hand screen) if I'm looking at it then I'm leaning at a corresponding angle on the tabletop.
But no!
![]() |
Ice Cream Breakfast Man, remember? |
Actually I will forgive Anna, as she got me a very nice banana muffin for elevenses.
The House Of Lords
Not being political here, merely noting that the Beeb has an article on the make-up of the chamber, and a photograph of same:
Conrad has been here, acting as the Large And Forbidding Presence on a school trip, and got to stand approximately where that red asterisk sits.
It is very much smaller than the sense you get from viewing on television.
There! No politics at all!
"Sadly, Conrad, not quite true. But don't worry. We're still tremendous friends." |
Er - not sure how to take Vladimir's comment. Let's move on! This is a suggestion from Anthony, after I canvassed he and Anna for famous Shakespearean quotes:
"A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!
The Belgian stock exchange is called the Bourse.
Talking to people is dubbed "discourse",
And a horse is a horse is a horse of course -
Unless he's the famous Mister Ed."
What's that? The last line doesn't rhyme? HA! That's because it's blank verse, which is kind of like verse but worse, and which Bill inflicted on an entire world^^.
"Plague Of The Zombies"
Ah now, this article actually came out before "Night of the Living Dead"^^^. It's one of Hammer's films, featuring the very excellent Andre Morrell, and concerns - of course zombies - but Cornish zombies.
You didn't see that coming, did you?
Actually that sums up the plot surprisingly well. |
I mean, it's not like they have a union, is it?
God help us all if the zombie apocalypse does arrive, we survive - and the CBI find a new business model that uses expendable zombie labour.
They don't need food, water, sleep or coffee breaks. They do need brains~. |
Ooops! gone a bit over the word and time limit. Sue me. Whose blog is it?
* And am utterly unrecalcitrant**
** "Not sorry" <translation from Pseudo by Mister Hand>
*** Okay, not a dignified nickname but far better than the repellent "Bag"
^ Conrad all over. What a rebel.
^^ The dastard.
^^^ You don't know this film? Then the exit is THAT WAY!
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