Don't worry, this won't be a parade of mind-numbing numbers and percentages and ratios and medians, although it will have a kind of barely-mentioned gloating about it.
![]() |
Me, gloating. |
Righto - on with the motley!
DEATH HERRINGS! Well, dead herrings at least. |
We have a small glut of persimmons in the Mansion, on the verge of over-ripe, so Conrad wondered if a recipe for Persimmon Jam existed, without pectin or sterilising jars with gamma radiation**, and not only did he find it, he discovered another name for the Persimmon - apart from Sharon Fruit - the "Japanese Plaquemine". Never heard that one before. Fruitful source of punnery, though ...
A Mine Plaque. Close enough |
Conrad may have a bash at this later on.
I know, I know, I can tell what you're thinking - but if they were called "Differently-Appearanced-Non-Humanoid Munch" not only would the packet be - Oh! Sorry, you were wondering about "Sessile"?
So was I, frankly. It popped up in my mind yesterday, whilst reading "Powers", once again apropos*** nothing whatsoever.
It means of an organism that is fixed in one place, such as a barnacle or sea anemone -
which leads unerringly into -
Close enough. |
They make me laugh.
If you disagree, then the Exit Door IS THAT WAY!
Let the hilarity commence:
Destiny of the Dales
Anemone of the World
The Bunfighters
The Course of Fenric
The Suet of Fear
The War Dames
A Suet of Evil, surely? |
Conrad saw the poster for this on a passing bus, and he once again has to caution readers that THERE ARE NO FOXES!
None. Not one.
"Foxcatchers" - visible at top |
Instead of having a cute puppy, I thought I'd post a read Death Herring From Hades, if Hades were actually cold and wet, rather than hot and dry:
Imagine trying to can this rascal ... |
Tomorrow: The Robot Uprising and how to survive it
* Actually I won't. So there.
** Seriously? In the Mansion preserved stuff never hangs around long enough to risk going mouldy.
*** A poser's way of saying without reference to anything <yes, thanks Mister Hand!>
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