If you recall yesterdays blog, as I hope you do*, you will remember a doggerel rhyme about First Bus and that Conrad confidently expected them to be late. After all, the process of having a vehicle move from Point A to Point B is incredibly complex and far harder to manage than, say, putting men on the Moon or running the nuclear power industry; not only that, nobody really knows what this thing "Traffic" is. "Traffic" can turn up at any time of day or night, in any amount, completely unpredictably, rendering the arrival at Point B an utterly random process.
Flow chart: Planning A Bus Route |
"Damn!" I uttered, and also "Birdsweat!**This is going to ruin my predictions of yesterday!"
Once in Royton, disaster! The 181 and 182 simply failed to appear at all, which is pretty sneaky of First, as they weren't technically late, merely - virtual.
Things got worse when the next 24 turned up on time.
"Dog Buns!" I expostulated. "My predictions!"
Fortunately for my predictions the homeward bound 24 was late, and slow, and didn't go to Rochdale. I'm so happy my predictions were vindicated!
Buzz Aldrin is 84.
George Orwell Said It First
I rather respect George, as he had the conviction to go out and take part in a war, which is an act Andrei Harmsworth*** - despite the surname - would never do.
Conrad will point out that George fought for the Republicans, and so lived in the Republican-controlled part of Spain, where he noticed a phenomenon about public transport. Trains instead of buses, yet the connection is there.
- not entirely convinced about that tash, George, old polyp |
As well he might, because NO WAY ON EARTH is Conrad going to be watching "Big Brother" |
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Law Without The Order"
Another bus poster, this one referring to a television programme.
Let me pause to imbibe a refreshing draught of cobra venom -
Right. I take it that the title implies a Police Precinct in New York? And that the cast of "trendy young people looking gorgeous and cool and sexy and so on oh and they're actually " police?
Close enough. |
Oh, I feel so much better after that^!
O2. "Be more dog"
That's what the byline on their advert says.
"Be more dog".
Excuse me? The dog is a canine companion or worker of considerable merit but I don't actually want to BE one!
For one thing, they don't have mutually opposable digits and thus cannot type, write or bake a cake.
As a byline it's also rather discriminatory. What about female dogs?
"Be more bitch"
Hmmm. Maybe not.
Not possible to get more dog than this, methinks |
Today's Metro-Mashing
Egad! The fly-swatter has actual news in it!
Which I will completely ignore.
I want to show you the moral bankruptcy of Guilty Pleasures:
![]() |
Gasp! in outrage^^! |
Honey, I'm Home!
(Previously seen under "So - Tanks?"
I am currently reading Mark Urban's "The Tank War", which focusses on the 5th Royal Tank Regiment; we had a brief description of the war in France in 1940, before moving to North Africa, where the regiment (actually a battalion - British army nomenclature is very confusing at times) drives A13s, then Crusaders, then Matildas and we are currently on the American M3 "Stuart".
No! Art Department, get it right! |
Anyway, whoever dubbed them "Honeys" is disputed, but also perceptive.
NO! Get it - what? "Winston Churchill"? Oh never mind. |
Okay, I was wrong |
There! Happy now? |
* Otherwise you have serious short-term memory problems, old fruit.
** This is going a bit far but Conrad was pretty much rather cross
*** Just be patient. All will be revealed.
^ It's the cobra venom. Works every time.
^^ Or not. It's your choice.
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