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Sunday 31 January 2021

Hill Of The King

Do Not Tempt Either Fate Or My Remote Nuclear Detonator!
For no, this is nothing to do with "King Of The Hill" I'll have you know.  However, I would like to put it on record that Hank Hill is a splendid role model that every man ought to aspire to.  He is described in Wikipedia as "responsible, hard-working, disciplined and honest", to which you can also add "adaptable, decent and compassionate".  The modern world and it's ways sometimes leaves him behind, as a conventional middle-aged man, yet he always manages to accommodate it and not be a bottomhole.  If I were not pushing Ambrose Bierce for President, I would have Hank instead*.  Art!

     Right.  Now that we've got what this Intro's not about out of the way, let us continue.
     You may remember, going back well over a year, that Conrad used to occasionally post links or stills from a Youtube channel called "Because Science", which was written and hosted by - Kyle Hill.  Art!
Not a wig
     Mysteriously, Kyle left the channel nearly a year ago (which channel is owned by Nerdist) and has been as forthcoming about why as Ruby Rose was about leaving (or being sacked from) "Batwoman", except people cared about Because Science.
     Surprise! Kyle is now back on Youtube, under his own aegis (which means 'name'), with some rumours attached that he wasn't allowed creative freedom from Nerdist, which is why he left.  I expect it will all come out in the wash.

     That's a link to a video he put up about a week ago, concerning the "Castle Bravo" thermonuclear test at Bikini Atoll back in 1954, which went badly wrong.  We've covered it already here at BOOJUM! so I shan't go into it again.  Sadly, no goofy animated artefacts, not even Kyle talking enthusiastically to camera.
But we DO have footage of a 15 megaton thermonuclear detonation!
(Which is almost as good)
Kyle 0 Razor 2
     And thus we have today's title.
     Motley, let's play Blindfold Lawn Darts!

Conrad recently came across a Youtube channel titled "Groovy Scene", whilst he was looking for video footage of unicorns or self-propelled anti-tank weasels, or something.  "Oho what's this?" I asked myself - I can do this safely thanks to working from home - and replied "Looks like classic television programs from the Sixties onward."
     Yes indeed.  Including episodes from "Callan" when it was being broadcast in black and white.  Art!

     Conrad remembers the character being described as a "grey, remorseless, gadgetless Bond" and thinking "O realistic then?".  Callan works for "The Section", whose principal occupation is dealing with threats to the UK, frequently by killing them stone dead.  He doesn't exactly want to do his job, but he's very good at it, and The Section has enough material on him to finish him.  It very good, even if it puts This Sceptred Isle in a rather dark light.

  That, gentle readers, is the link to Groovy Scene's Youtube channel.  I did ask if it was okay to post it before posting it, and they said "Yes" so tread lightly if you venture there, and be polite.  If you don't your descendants are going straight to the uranium mines**.

Since I Mentioned "The Skreeming Voles" ..
Way back when the years didn't end with a twenty, Your Humble Scribe was attempting to establish BOOJUM! as a place to go for - er - <thinks> - ah - stuff.  And in pursuit of this he invented a punk rock band called "The Skreeming Voles" simply because he could, and it lent itself to a lot of facile punnery.  It must be about 6 years since they had an item to themselves, so the time is ripe for a retrospective, hmmmm?
     The trouble is, I mentioned them quite a bit in passing, so searching on Blogger for 'skreeming voles' brings up a whole lot of posts where they are mentioned only once, being that passing thing.  
Yes, it's a rat.  You try finding a picture of a screaming vole!
     Still - 

It also sounds rather like a silly punk band from 1979.  Who sing like this:

Toxic to voles! Toxic to voles!
We're going to squash squirrels
And stamp on your moles - 
Toxic to voles! Toxic to voles!**
     We have improved since then, honestly***.

You What?
I did mention above that Hank Hill gets a little confused by the modern world, which is entirely understandable as society, culture and civilisation all move onwards with implacable inertia, and anyone growing up in the Seventies might well find themselves blindsided by Venmo, Sprong and FKA Twigs.  This afternoon Your Humble Scribe found himself in the same boat as Hank.  Art!
Upper port
     What on earth are they blathering about?  Willard White?  Am I supposed to know who he is?  A reality-tv celebritute?  Are they talking about Californian Redwoods or is that an entirely different location?  How do they know the new boss is evil?  (or were they featured on one of those Reddit Youtube channels I cannot look away from?)  What is or are or were or will be "DLC Maps"?

Walter White.  Close enough.

Finally -
You know Conrad, ever one to luxuriate in schadenfreude over another person's misfortune.  Hey, I never claimed to be a nice person (or even human)!  So, tonight will see the third episode of "Batwoman"'s second series being broadcast over in South Canada.  This means that accurate viewing figures won't be available until Tuesday on this side of the Pond, and so I shall forbear doing an article about them until later next week.  I'm so excited!  Will they have suffered another 7% drop?  Will they have bottomed-out?  Will they have <gasps and reaches for the oxygen> increased?
I'm glad one of you is happy
     There is a certain baseline the show cannot fall below, however; because a fair number of viewers are actually reviewers who intend to roast it subsequently, and who thus have to watch it.  Probably with the help of a bucket of gin.

*  Vice-President to Ambrose?
**  When I take over - date to be arranged.
***  Not going to give any percentages on how much.

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