Conrad, as you may have noticed from various photographs he has posted, is a middle-aged man of considerable bulk, more than usual ungainliness and great big feet. Consequently he is inherently incapable of exhibiting, displaying or even seeming "Funky". If he had two left feet he would weep with gratitude*.
The rest of that title, that's correct.
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Conrad. Rich in Twinkies! |
However, mercy and justice prevail. Let us also move on and let the motley commence!
"Where Eagles Dare" And The IMDB Goof List
My work of inspired pedantry is complete! I have appended comments to the seven pages of alleged Goofs downloaded from the IMDB website about WED, expanding it to nine pages. As mentioned before, these goofs are 1/3 utter drivel with no basis in reality, 1/3 correct spotting of goofs and 1/3 items that can be hand-waved away by a moment's imagination and word-smithing.
See below for context |
Yes THANK YOU for your support of this humble author. You want examples, eh**?
<Mister Hand intervenes to prevent all 9 x A4 pages being posted>
Bah! Mister Hand, the buzzkill. If we weren't attached at the wrist -
- okay, okay, have this example -
When Major Smith drives the captured
German Alpine Post Bus toward the line of planes at Oberhausen Airfield, you can
see that the horizontal stabilizer (small wing at the tail) of the first plane
has already been destroyed, probably from a previous take.
The second
plane, actually. Absolutely correct.
There you are. Oh, does this boost the word count? What a wild coincidence!
"Hello? Conrad? I am ringing to complain about your Pedantry. IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" |
WASH YOUR BRAIN OUT! We are not referring to that ladies undergarment, the brassiere. No. Instead - obviously! - we are referring to American recipes.
Yes, the
"Cups" as a measurement.
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Cups, with a knife for scale |
And Then What?
As you surely know by now, Conrad and logic are not bedfellows of any frequency. This is probably due to the Celtic and Norse DNA floating around his corporate form, two inheritances that look upon reason and deduction with a scornful sneer.
Anyway, it does happen sometimes that your gifted author sees something that shakes him into a positively Anglo-Saxon perspective, such as this:
![]() |
Holey pavement! |
As a matter of superhero rescue, it leaves a lot to be desired.
1) Why both Batman AND Robin? That's a narrow window-ledge, it can only take one superhero at a time, no matter how nimble.
2) They reach the window-ledge. And then what? I don't see a Batcopter in the vicinity.
3) There's no crash-mat underneath that building. Do they seriously expect a pudgy keyboard-rat with no upper-body strength to abseil down that rope of theirs?
4) Is it Superman's day off?
Okay, Now I Resort To Undisguised Cheating
If you follow the blog with any regularity then you know that Conrad on occasion posts what he posted a year or two years ago on this date. Generally this occurs when he lacks the time - though never the inclination! never! - to post a properly created post. Today, however, I am going to post what came up as of December 28th 2014, because it allows me to pimp "A Fairytale Of New York", which as any fule kno is the best Christmas song ever. I shall colour it in differently so you don't feel cheated.
Mike Wendling And New York
Mike's a journalist who has written a column for the BBC website about New York, and the strangely pervasive encroachment of English culture into the Big Apple. Apparently people use the expression "zed" for that last letter of the alphabet, to such an extent that the more usual American "zee" is fighting a rearguard action. Plus, New Yorkers are drinking ever-increasing amounts of tea, another fact that worries Mike. THe link:
- but I must warn you, Mike definitely got out of bed on the grumpy side, put on grumpy clothes and grumpy shoes, had a grumpy breakfast and went to work on the grumpy train.
How the fairytale of New York can become a nightmare
Which is merely an excuse for Conrad to add this link to the best Christmas song ever and which never gets old^^:
Howlingly ironic that Shane is still alive (just) but Kirsty is long gone.
Well, Mike, you did start it with that party you had in Boston ... |
Close enough |
* Actually not something you want to see.
** Imagine an evil chuckle here.
*** I might be correct here. Which would be very odd indeed.
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