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Tuesday 5 September 2017

The Thermonuclear Terror Of Winnie The Pooh

And The Moral Malingering Of A Man Called Roo
You may not believe that as a heading, yet it is surely most true.  After all, can you not rely on BOOJUM! as a source of indisputable truth?*  However, that’s not what I want to begin today’s article with, as we (typically!) skip from one item to another with all the tenacity of a weathervane.
     The Metro.  The free paper, not the Paris underground system.  Just so we’re clear.  The Paris underground is a splendidly stylish and yet sternly functional artefact, whereas with the paper you get exactly what you pay for.  A rag.
Image result for paris metro entrance
Stylish yet functional
     A sterling example of the gutter – or, if you have a very long memory, the yellow – press.  Look no further than yesterday’s cover story, about “Roo”, which refers not to that cuddly friend of Pooh Bear, beloved and known the world over (we’ll come back to that) but rather to an obscure ballfoot player, who seems to need the publicity associated with Winnie.  “Roo”, it seems, has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.   “£70 Million showdown” blares the Metro headline, alledegly.  They then sleaze their way through the article using that tabloid standby, “is said to”, as well as “a friend” – no names used for whoever said what, not whom this ‘friend’ is.  They also shamelessly steal from the Sunday Mirror and the Sun on Sunday (hardly high on the scale of journalistic integrity themselves).
     Oh, that £70 million headline?  Based on an “estimate” – again unsourced – that if this unhappy couple were to divorce – again entirely guesswork – then Kanga’s wife gets half of his collection of pounds.
     A rag, as I said.  If it didn’t have a Cryptic Crossword …
Image result for the metro newspaper
A rag

“The Man From UNCLE” And Possibility
Note, if you will, that TMFU is set in the year 1963 anno domini, which is the year after the Cuban Missile Crisis.  This, I’m sure you recall, is when both sides stared into the abyss, found it to be waaaay too scary and drew back.  El Castro then loudly demanded his own set of nukes to play with, to be delivered by the Sinisters, who loudly and emphatically declared NO.  Thus, neither side wanted the risk of what is termed “vertical proliferation”, or extra members of the nuclear club to you and I with our plain non-euphemistic English. 
Image result for cuban missile crisis
Worryingly close to the truth
     So, the idea of the South Canadians and Sinisters joining forces, even if it be the height (or depth?) of the Cold War, is not an impossibility.
     I’m not sure either would be happy with a Brit running the show, but he does lend them a certain air of sophistication.

Sorry, Frankfurt!
Ah yes.  65,000 people in this German city are being temporarily relocated as EOD people deal with an unexploded “cookie”, as dropped by Perfidious Albion’s brylcreem boys during the Second Unpleasantness. 
Image result for raf 4000 lb bomb
Caution!  Not edible!
     The thing about sleeping giants like this is that the explosives contained within can degrade over time, especially such an extended period.  Normally you would have to hit even a 4,000 lb** cookie with a wrecking ball to detonate it.  The decay products, however, can be wildly unstable, liable to detonate if sneezed upon or looked at harshly.
     Frankfurt is actually getting off lightly, if you can believe that.  The brylcreem boys, when feeling particularly malignant, used to bolt 3 of these inedible cookies together, to make a monster that came in at 5 ½ tons.

Damn You, Coincidence Hydra!
Blimey, Conrad’s tender behind must be ever so toothsome, as the Coincidence Hydra is right there, teeth firmly fastened.  No sooner do I invoke the spirit of AA Milne and Winnie The Pooh than up he pops on the Beeb’s website in an illustration of author Milne and artist Shepard at work, collaborating.

     But stay!  For there is more. 
     It transpires that the Series Of Interesting Events taking place in the Far East have relevance.  For the Chinese residents of the Populous Dictatorship, sly dogs that they are, call their glorious (and plump) leader Xin Jinping  “Winnie The Pooh”.  Consequently, if you try and search for WTP within the confines of the Populous Dictatorship, you get a technical error (and probably a visit from the Internet Police).
Image result for xin jinping
     THEN, as if this were not enough, along comes the latest edition of ‘Empire’ and alongside articles about Bruce Campbell, Full Metal Jacket and Kim Newman’s Video Dungeon, what else do we have?
     Yes, pass Go, collect £350 (inflation) and put out the flagons – Winnie The Pooh.  Again.

     Really, the Universe is trying to tell me something.  Dear Universe, couldn’t you just use a postcard?
Image result for kim jong un
 - and Piglet!

*  No <the bitter truth courtesy Mister Hand>

**  None of those horrid metric measurements here!

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