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Friday 15 September 2017

The English Breakfast Tea Club

Yes, there is still scope for the tea-based pun, ha-har!
     But enough levity.  I did mention “The Founding of Evil Hold School” yesterday, which I will abbreviate to TFOEHS from now on, as it is a bit of a mouthful and the Universe has but a limited lifetime.  The novel was written by Nikolai Tolstoy – yes, of that Tolstoy family.  Technically Count Nikolai Tolstoy, he wrote TFOEHS back in 1969, featuring a character named “Grimley-Fiendish”, and I’m not sure whether ‘The Sparky’ comic beat him to the punchline on this, as they also had a terrifyingly evil character called Grimley-Fiendish.
Image result for the sparky grimly fiendish
I rest my case
     Nikolai holds dual British-Russian nationality.  He has written, somewhat injudiciously, about how the UK forcibly repatriated the Black Cossacks back to the Sinisters at the end of the Second Unpleasantness.  This led to a court case for libel and an award against him of £2,000,000.  Being a canny fellow, and also not having that amount of cash to hand, he took the case through 15 different courts before only coughing up £57,000 after the plaintiff exited this mortal coil.

“The wicked children have been seen,
At Mile End Hall, near Bethnal Green”

     Is another quote I remember, where the gruesome twosome are sent on a wild-goose chase after their errant pupils. 
     Ah – “Dredge-Strangler” is one of the eeeevil teachers.  Probably close in description to Lord Aldington (that plaintiff I mentioned).
Image result for the founding of evil hold school
I was right - tusks!
     One of your humble scribe’s favourite quotes comes from TFOEHS, where I believe Grimley-Fiendish (blessed with tusks, IIRC) is lying on a rail porter’s cart, summing up facts by conversing with himself. 

“Let us face facts, you swine!”

-               he says to himself, which is a compact way of determining just how horrid he is.  I often say this to myself.  Only ever alone. It can easily be misconstrued otherwise.

A Tenuous Connection To Reality
Because, frankly, reality it boring.  No Triffids, Daleks or Batman in real life*.  Anyway, it is my fond contention that the American Revolution never happened – one day we will see the Union Jack flying over the Whitehouse – and that America is really South Canada.
     Where does this leave the Canadians?
     Ah; they become the British Americans.
     This, oddly enough, does have a basis in fact, since once the War of Independence was over and Britain had not won**, a lot of Empire Loyalists left South Canada and crossed the northern border.
     As you can see from our map, they also have good taste.  Art?
The darker the green, the more viewers

 I Have A Most Delicious Posterior
I must do, the Coincidence Hydra always has it’s teeth firmly fastened there.  Why, yesterday what were we discussing at my workplace in the Dark Tower?  Nothing more or less than a long list of illnesses that can be used to detail why colleagues might be off sick.  Conrad, seeking novelty over the mundane, decided he was going to inflict “Swine Flu” upon our hapless fictional employee***.  Heh heh!  Then, being ever curious, I wondered exactly what it was.
     A flu virus found in pigs that can be transmitted to humans, strain designation “H1N1”.
     Fast-forward to the Pleasant Inn, where we had Play Your Cards Right – but no Quiz.  Janet the landlady not well.  So, Phil produced the quiz answers from the Turk’s Head, which he and Rosie had sat earlier that week.
     Question One:  Which Eighties science-fiction television series featured a robot called “Twiki”?
     Question Two:  What is the alpha-numeric designation of the Swine Flu virus?
     I don’t know, I really don’t.  This sort of thing only used to happen when I was reading Thomas Pynchon.

They’re Back
Once again, the police have coned and signed-off a particular stretch of Thomas Street, preparatory to filming taking place there.  I confess my sheer nosiness makes me curious about who is filming here and for what, but the odds are that I will never find out.  Anyway, Art?

     Keep an eye out.  If you see this street in some grim, grey Northern policier then remember, you saw it here first.

A Brief Warning
Once again, beware of briefs!  These items of apparel can be dangerous in the wild, especially if they converge in packs.  A long stick or, preferably, a squeezy bottle of liquid detergent is the best deterrent for these semi-lethal pests.
Image result for short underpants
As saucy as we get round here

Another Brief Warning
Once again, your humble scribe is working tomorrow, which means not getting home until about 6:30.  So there will probably be only a single post on BOOJUM! although this is not certain.  I have 45 minutes for lunch, and if the phones are quiet (a pious hope!) then I might be able to work up more notes.
     We shall see.  Which is not what King John of Bohemia said at the battle of Crecy – he was blind and then riddled with English arrows.

*  But I can confirm that UNIT are real, and The Doctor is too.
**  I cannot bring myself to use the word “lost”.  J J Abrams, don’t you know. 

***   I’m quite as horrid as Mister Dredge-Strangler

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