Although I was thinking of going with "Harry Teapotter and the Philosopher's Scone", and may do so in future. Hey, if it brings in the idly curious, so much the better. Whether they ever come back after seeing the scrivel that constitutes BOOJUM! is another matter entirely. After all, being puzzled, scared and amused simultaneously is not everyone's - er - cup of tea.
Not sure what a cup of tea's cup of tea would be |
I did actually watch HPATPS last night, and then, because I am thorough (or sad, possibly both) I went through the Trivia section on IMDB. No, not the Goofs, not yet - still ploughing through those for "Kelly's Heroes". What did strike me was the degree of influence Ol' J.K. had in controlling the film - she wanted an all-British cast, and got it. She refused to have the films compact several books together, and she refused to have any done as animated features; the studios, you see, were worried about their initially cast child actors growing older, although perhaps someone ought to point out to them that this is what happens in real life. She also wanted Maggie Smith and Robbie Coltrane cast, and - no surprise here! - she got them.
She didn't want Louis Jourdan |
Given the amount of clout Ol J.K. has in the fillum industry, what follows below will be extra amusing. She appears to have equal clout in publishing, as those later works of hers are inches thick; one guesses that the editors didn't dare prune any of it.
Well, time to take the stabilisers off the motley and push it out into traffic.
Ha! That muted hum you can hear is Windbag Willy a-whirling in his crate. He must be up to about 45 r.p.m. by now. One of his saying is "Brevity is the soul of wit", which is why BOOJUM! attempts to distract you with no more than 750 words per post, although this is exceeded if I get on a creative roll.
However, Bill neglects his own advice. Take this quote from "Hamlet", which in itself moves us significantly closer to count. Ahem!
"What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals! ".
I rest my case. Ol' J.K. might have padded it out a bit, but your humble scribe would have simply put:
"Man, eh?"
I was already resting my case, so I'll rest it a bit more.
![]() |
Me, resting |
"Frailty, thy name is woman - "
- hang on, I thought it was "Vanity"? "Frailty", "Vanity" and "Shopping" pretty much define women, right*? Oh, very well, we'll go with "Frailty".
"Frailty, thy name is woman."
Ha! O Bill, that's a good one.
The women I know are tough as old boots,
The emotionally resilient termagant brutes*.
I think we'll slink out of the room now.
Thank You Brian Eno
Yes, that Brian Eno, the inventive music chap. He came up with an album entitled "Another Green World". I don't have it, although I've seen the cover artwork. Art?
Sweetness and light! |
Anyway, this sprung to mind after I peered out of the windows on the eighteenth floor of The Dark Tower, except because I am grim and grey and so was the day, it morphed into "Another Grey World".
![]() |
Death and despair! |
Hair-Splitting Pedantry Ahoy!
Typically, once I acquire a hugely impressive, and impressively huge, Crossword Companion, I whiz through the Cryptic Crossword and thus don't need to use it.
This has nothing to do with "Kelly's Heroes" and the Goofs page over at IMDB, and again, it's interesting to see what folks who see things that aren't there have missed when it's IN FRONT OF THEIR ROILING SCROFULITIC EYES.
They never fire the damn thing, either |
Okay, when we first see Kelly's reconnaissance outfit, they have a half-track (which we discussed yesterday, remember?) which appears to have an anti-aircraft mount in the back, and it's busy blasting away at the heavens. This is obviously inaccurate, as on a dreadful night like this, no aircraft would be aloft.
Secondly, for a reconnaissance unit, having an M3 half-track armed with a 105 m.m. howitzer is rather unlikely. Recon units go and nosey around, they avoid combat if they can - and Little Joe makes this point over the radio***.
* I shall get into trouble for this BUT I DON'T CARE! For am I not evil**?
** Yes.
*** A bit more emphatically than me, which is justified under the circs.
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