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Sunday 3 September 2017

The Mantunna From Uncle

Stick With Me - 
This one will take a bit of explaining, and yes, it is still about tea.  You are, I hope, aware of that classic Sixties spy-fi television series "The Man From U.N.C.L.E."?  Conrad used to be able to watch it if both parents were present; and usually unable to watch if it was only Mother - "It's far too violent!" she would tuttingly dismiss with*.  It was remade as a film in 2015, which I will babble on about shortly.
     Okay, we have established the provenance of the program.  You who are not blessed by living in that land close to Biblical paradise, the Pond of Eden (it's raining today in the UK), are probably not aware that there used to be a brand of tea called 'Mantunna'.  Art?
Image result for mantunna tea
Proof I am not raving!**
     So there you have it.  I'm not sure if this stuff is around any more, but who cares - it got me through the Intro and a pun based on tea.

And now - hang on, is Ben Folds still alive? - Phew, yes he is, the Coastguard got to them in time - we return you to our regular medley of motley.

A Few Sums About North Korea
Firstly, it's rather too soon to judge what they popped off underground.  I've seen yield estimates ranging from 60 kilotons to 150 kt; if the latter then that would definitely indicate a successful thermonuclear test.  However, the Norks have loudly boasted about successful H-Bomb tests in the past, so it would be wise to wait until a definite yield is obtained.
      Last night, whilst walking the dog - thank you for providing mental stimulation, Edna - I was comparing the situation of the Reichswehr on the eve of their March 22 1918 attack, and that of the Nork armed forces.  I refer you to prior BOOJUM! if you want more detail about our Teuton cousins activities.
Image result for german truck steel wheels ww1
Steel wheels thanks to a lack of rubber.  Hell on the roads and one's posterior, I suspect ...
     Anyway, the Norks.  They are said to have an army numbering one million men, with a militia force of up to five million, and you might think "Oh shurely not!" (no swearing on this blog).  Well, a poorly-armed, led, trained and equipped militia is fine for defending your own doorstep and little else.  Whether the Norks can mobilise a million-man army is another question, and then they'd have to supply them.  The so-called "Special Forces" are so large that they can't possibly be very special - "Politically Reliable" is a more accurate description.  Their air-force hasn't been seen of late, indicating either fuel shortages or lack of spare parts to maintain them; pilots don't retain their skills by sitting at a desk reading how wonderful the Sulky Fat Lad is.
Image result for north korean jet
Powered by an elastic band.  But a People's Democratic elastic band!
     Then there's the issue of invading South Korea.  The Norks are all told that their starving sinkhole is actually a paradise beyond compare, a land of milk and honey, city blocks never mind streets ahead of the entire world.  Were their malnourished, under-sized citizen army to venture across the DMZ, the truth would out.  Recall the attitude of the dismayed Teuton soldiers of the First Unpleasantness, when they discovered the truth during the Kaiserschlacht?  
 1)  We've been lied to.
 2)  Plunder!  Gorge!  Drink!
     Given the exciting state of things in the world today, we might see if I'm over-thinking this or not ...
Your humble scribe, thinking
(probably something sinister)

Well, that constituted dealing with Current Affairs, although I was trying to view it via the lens of history, which makes it okay, and not really a breach of the rules here***.  Now, back to - er - nuclear weapons foofoodillies and the film version of TMFU.

"The Man From U.N.C.L.E."
Now, there are spoilers here, so be warned.  Let me just repeat that once more and loudly for those at the back - SPOILERS!

     Okay.  At the crux of the film, a missile homes in on the nuclear warhead being smuggled out of Italy by Victoria, a bloodthirsty bottle-blond.  Napoleon Solo kept her talking long enough to pinpoint her location, and - well, Art?

     At this point, Napoleon calmly informs Vic that the nuclear warhead won't explode, as that would require fission.  So, it's a thermonuclear warhead?  Yes, the fusion process requires a nuclear explosion first, but being hit by a conventional warhead - and a pretty powerful one at that - could trigger the explosives that drive the fission warhead.  Pretty risky gambit!
     However, as seen above, it works - or rather, it doesn't work.
     Bye bye, Vic!

*  But that was the point, surely!
**  This time
***  Besides, who makes the rules?

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