Although all I ever did was pimp BOOJUM! with an occasional comment on some people I follow. This, apparently, is Not The Done Thing, and - being English and therefore with Polite all the way through me like a stick of rock - I hang my (now tidier and more manageable) head in shame. FORGIVE ME INTERWEBZ, FORGIVE ME!
"What does this mean in practical terms, Conrad?" I hear you ask, whilst you guzzle down a six-pack of Carlsberg and devour a pizza.
Leaving aside your shockingly unhealthy lifestyle, I shall propound.
First, it means I am posting more on Twitter. Those of you out there who think that Conrad's musings, mentoring and mental meanderings are nothing more than mind-sewage* will thus probably not be impressed. You can petition Twitter if you want, but - Hey! Free speech and all that.
Second, it probably means a bit of a disconnect with Facebook posts, as they can be far longer than Twitter's meagre 23 characters. Normally I just copy the FB stuff over to Twitter or vice versa, but from now on they are going to differ.
Thirdly, people on Twitter might bother to read my stuff. A pious hope, certainly, yet hope springs eternal.
Enough of the wibble - on with the motley!
"Bleeding Edge" By Thomas Pynchon
I took notes whilst reading this novel, and whilst it didn't affect reality, causality or phenomenology as when reading his other works, it did generate a long list of things I have to look up to understand. Last night on Twitter I posted about just one of these things - "Zabars". A kind correspondent replied that it was an "Upscale New York (Upper West Side) delicacy store". Well now I know, except - it's easier to use a picture here. Art?
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I can't very well post each of these on Twitter, can I? |
I strongly suspect a very long session on Google beckons!
Conrad - Rubbing Shoulders With The Rich And Famous
Hey, it's true! I have an autographed Post-It from Norman Lovett on the fridge door. I once spoke to John Peel. Bruce Campbell replied to an e-mail. Oh, and Al Murray once retweeted a post of mine**.
BUT! All this pales into insignificance - except the Bruce Campbell bit - when I got a reply from Stephen Mangan last night on Twitter.
"The name is familiar," I hear you chunter. "Although I cannot -"
Stop right there! Art?
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Stephen, right of centre. Also far left. |
"Still not seeing it, Conrad. Can't you do better?" I hear you chasten.
Excuse me! That's Art falling down on the job, not me. Don't worry, I shall deprive him of his supper*** tonight as punishment.
Now! Now do you see? |
Whilst On About Skeptics ...
Allow me to mention The Iron Skeptic, who has a website that is - I know, you got there already - skeptical about woo-woo, ju-ju, voodoo and Boo-Boo (the sinister ursine mastermind behind all of Yogi Bear's evil schemes).
That's the link, but BEWARE! for it does have quite a bit of sweary language in it, as I think old Iron gets annoyed at idiocy on the internet, to the extent that his blood pressure is at risk.
Cool Idea
Thanks to Degsy I came across this little gem on Facebook. Art?
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Brrrr! |
Ready? Here goes -
"You thought I was dead.
I AM!"
Think it's got legs?
* Yes amazingly enough there are people who think this way. Including me at times.
** It was quite funny.
*** A plate of coal
^ I could go on indefinitely but am feeling merciful so will not.
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