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Monday, 6 June 2016

Steve, You're Naive

For Your Benefit (And Mine)
I should point out that the "Steve" here refers to my memory.  Apparently Oscar is only my subconscious, imagine that, I had him conflated into both.
     "He's not carrying anything sharp, is he?" I hear you question.  "Because that's worrying."
     Frowning heavily at your lack of appreciation of my perfectly normal mental state, I shall nevertheless continue, after putting down this cleaver so I can type better.
     Recently I conscientiously listed a glossary of terms unique to BOOJUM! that might need a bit of explanation if you're new to here.

     There you go, a helpful link to the very article in question.  CAUTION!  May cause voles to explode!
     However, at lunchtime I was pondering and realised I'd missed a few things out.  Or, rather, Steve had.  For my memory, he's utterly unfit for purpose.  So -
     SPRONG:  A weird and wonderful super-material usable in the home or for light industrial purposes, ductile, malleable and rust-free.
     GUARD HOG:   Not heard of much since we got the Four-Legged Alarm System*, this hefty chap stands guard over The Mansion.
     HARD HOG:  Cousin of the Guard Hog, substitute sentry, film extra who never tires of telling you he was a stunt double in "Razorback"
     THE AIRY UPPER DUNGEON: Just as it says.  I think I had a travelling band of Ukranian folk-musicians in there last.  Must check to see if I let them out.
     THE LOWER DUNGEON:  Far less salubrious.  Dark, wet, with rats and spiders.  We once had an incursion of land-mobile sharks in here.
     CELEBRITUTE:  One of those people who whore themselves out to get 0.15 seconds of fame.
     I.C.B.M.: Either the conventional Inter Continetal Ballistic Missile, or the far more controversial Ice Cream Breakfast Man**.
     And now let the motley begin!

"The Kraken Wakes" - By Dangerous Visions
This is a radio adaptation of one of my favourite sci-fi novels, brought into the modern age definitively by author Val McDermid.  I listened to Part One last night and may get time to listen to Part Two tonight.
     "Tell us, Conrad, o mighty critic!  Tell us how it went!" I hear you cry, and you will be crying because I wrote about it last night so YOU'VE NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION!
     Okay, okay, stop crying.  Art?

     Ah, that did the trick.  A picture always distracts you, eh?
     Back on track.  Cornwall has been transposed to Caledonia, potentially subverting Wyndham's intentions as Cornwall is a lot flatter than the Scottish highlands, which is important when the invading alien swine get their Let's-Get-Rid-Of-Hom.-Sap shoes on.
     Having a full symphony orchestra punctuating, emoting and underlining your script makes for good drama.  Hey, it may be radio, it needn't be cheap!
     We have now come to the battle of Escondida; compelling stuff as Phyl nearly succumbs to an alien flying tentacle*** - underscored by orchestra.

It Being The 6th Of June
I may dig out "The Longest Day" and cross-check it with IMDB's Goof list, to see if what is listed as a fault is correct.  I found with "Where Eagles Dare" that about a third were simply wrong, so badly wrong on occasion that I think those making the listing were watching a documentary film about birds.  Another third could be waved away with a little imagination, leaving a third actually correct^.
It has all these people!
     By the way, "D-Day" and "H-Hour" were generic military descriptions, except the first of these has exclusively come to mean the 6th of June invasion of Normandy.  Not sure if there was an "M-Minute" or an "S-Second", sorry.

"Grant Takes Command" By Bruce Catton
We are now up to mid-1864 and things are getting particularly bloody - the incredibly confused Wilderness Battle and the incredibly lethal Spotsylvania Battle, leading Conrad to wonder where they got these names from?  Although the loss ratio for the latter battle is 3:2 for Federals versus Confederates, the rebel general Lee lost almost a quarter of his army.  I know how this ends already but, even if he could claim to be unbeaten, with losses like that he's not going to win.
Nothing remotely civil about this
     Also, no ice cream soldiers here.  Spotsylvania resulted in a combined total of 30,000 casualties which is incredibly high for such a short engagement.

Because I'm Feeling Merciful
Make the most of this, it doesn't often happen.   Cast your minds back to yesterday when I posted this picture:

     I tormented you without giving the answer, although anyone who reads BOOJUM! with any regularity, any regularity at all, any regularity at all THAT MIGHT SAVE THEIR LIVES, should have gotten the answer instantly: Blue Oyster Cult

And there we hit count.  Also Conrad wants to go sip a cool beer outside, as the Upstairs Lair is stifling.  Chin chin!

*  Edna
**  Me
***  Nothing like as saucy as your dirty minds are conjuring!
^  Sorry for the maths, not my strong suit

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