- so please bear with me.
Okay, first a little divert to "Gravity's Rainbow", where two characters are having a fight with specially-sharpened runcible spoons.
I know, I know, "What's a runcible spoon?"
By association it's become one of these:
A Spork? A Foon? |
Now, razor-sharp of eye and intellect as you most assuredly are, you noticed that proviso "by association"*, because it has a bit of a history.
The word "Runcible" was created by Edward Lear, the purveyor of nonsense verse - "The Owl And The Pussycat" a prime example. He called lots of things "Runcible", including a spoon, which stuck in the British national consciousness, gradually evolving into the Foon/Spork you see above.
Enough textual pseudy self-aggrandizement**! More pix!
Hello Coincidence And Could You Stop Bothering Me?
Unusually, reading more Thomas Pynchon has not resulted in more worrying interactions of space and time. Oh no. Now it's Twitter that's doing it.
First, what is the CD face up nearest me of all 650 CDs in the Upstair Lair? This:
![]() |
"The North Borders" by Bonobo |
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"Kanzi, a bonobo ape ..." |
BOOJUM! Courting Controversy
Not really, it's just that some folks have recently described/accused/condemned the blog for being "Highbrow", which comes as something of a revelation. It is what it is, and I like using long complicated words, because if I've had to read a hundred books a year since the age of 11, you can damn well suffer the consequences!
Now, the following should thoroughly undermine this nonsense about intellectualism -
Dioralyte, Dioralyte!
Number one in a field of two.
Dioralyte, Dioralyte!
It helps you when you poo.
Dioralyte, Dioralyte!
It stops you feeling blue.
Dioralyte, Dioralyte!
Puts the salts back into you!
What do you think? Mileage as the backing song for an advert about Dioralyte***?
You What?
There are inventions and creations that are so obviously wonderful that you can't help but offer silent thanks for them - the i-pod, Marshmallow Fluff, Challenger Main Battle Tanks - and others where you wonder what was being smoked, snorted or drunk at the time.
Like this:
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Pic on the right |
What? Is this for those who like to shower with the bathroom light off? People who are light-headed^? People who simply have to have the latest bit of techno-tat?
That's not all. Let me add this picture:
![]() |
Milk Bottles. Obviously! |
See? Conrad does not lie^^. |
I know that the milkman is a dying breed, but really!
A First Bus - Immobilised By Cupcake Wrapper
A True Story. Conrad was riding the 409 homewards when the bus pulled up alongside a bus stop - I labour the point here as this is not at all a given since we are talking about First Bus here - and the driver seemed to be off in his own little world. Given it was the same dead-eyed buffoon who got lost last week, this might have very well been the case. Anyway, we sat there, the doors not opening.
And we sat there.
And we sat there.
It turns out Driver Eunce^^^couldn't open the doors, which remained stubbornly closed. He sat in his cab, the very picture of Baffled Incomprehension, utterly at a loss.
Did he find out what was preventing the doors from opening?
Of course not! Remember - First Bus. No, it was a lady passenger who pointed out that a wad of paper had jammed under the door, preventing it from moving, and she got up and removed said paper, which enabled the doors to open.
So. An eight tonne bus with a driver, stricken dead in it's tracks by this:
God help us if it had been a foil wrapper! |
Currently getting my groove on to Mew's "Cross the river on your own", good lord aloft what a good song this is, best of 2015 to date; I've played it probably 4 times a day for weeks and still not tired of it.
Well the word limit has come around again, and there was a load more to add. Maybe later.
Chin chin!
* Mister Hand apologises for the fearful elitism so casually shown here.
** Sorry, that's also fearfully elitist, isn't it? O the irony.
*** If Mister Hand was a head, he'd be shaking it now.
^ Sorry.
^^ This is a lie
^^^ It should have been "Dunce" but he mis-spelled it
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