I don't have a punning surprise that needs to be sneaked past the ever-watchful Argus-eyed World Hamster Command, so - "Zoiks".
As you surely know by now, BOOJUM! adheres to a strict policy of non-swearing. If the word "bloody" crops up, it is because there is an ocean of gore involved. The F-word is conspicuous by it's absence, even in Russian. The site's official swear is "Dog Buns", and if we want to be extra-sweary, we add an exclamation mark thus: "Dog Buns!"
Okay, only singular. Whose blog is it? |
Hmmm. Conrad not sure if he's convinced by that.
Doctor Who Calendar
And what lies behind Door Number 14? I think it was an Ood, as the calendar, evidenced by the photo below, is looking a bit ratty and tatty. This is surely due to cheap construction and has little to no connection with Conrad's huge clumsy jumbo-sized fingers.
![]() |
Ignore the Dalek - that's for tomorrow! |
Ah yes the Ood. Er - not wishing to be monsterist or anything, but these creatures are pretty repulsive; couldn't they have a bag over their head? They look like someone had an accident with a plate of spaghetti.
An Ood. Well, close enough. |
You've been having it a little too easy. I think we need to consult that misanthropic donkey to take the lustre off your day. Eeyore? Do you have anything profound for us today?
"That's right," said Eeyore. "Enjoy yourself."
"I am," said Pooh
"Some can," said Eeyore.
I don't think I need to elaborate any more, do you? Thanks, Eeyore - a truth for all the ages.
What every day looks like to Eeyore |
Against The Day
And what do we have here? A character named "Melpomene".
Conrad's brain, with all the organisation of a rubbish tip, does occasionally come up with the goods. "Isn't that one of the Muses?"
Indeed she is! Originally the Muse of Music, she underwent a bit of Organisational Design and ended up the Muse of Tragedy. Which is a bit rubbish; there you are, bringing laughter and happiness to the world and the next minute you bring weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, not to mention sack-cloth and ashes.
Cap, cloth and Ashes. Close enough. |
Just finished reading Volume 3 of this series. Third time around I begin to notice some of the finer details that went un-seen first and second time around. For instance, in the ending set in a library, all the books and TPB's have titles on their spines; real and imaginary comic titles and real novel titles. And there are dozens and dozens of them; clearly either the writer or artist took this on as a labour of love.
Then there's the hilarious "Powers Colouring Book", which is supposedly what children in a police station would be given to read. It's monochrome, which suits it's sensibility.
Well the cover is in colour. COLOUR! |
The Robots Of Death
Doctor Who - "Classic Who", as I like to say. You disagree? Then the exit door is THAT WAY! Conrad is re-watching this again, not having seen it for several years. It does have several things to commend it - the set and robot design, for two, and the director wisely does not show Storm Mine Four's exterior too much. One thing does make me wince, though - the actress playing Zilda has the acting chops of a wooden chair. Fortunately she bites the dust*** in Episode Two. Heh.
Roberts of Death. Close enough
* Okay, thirty seconds on Google
** Hilarious! No? Not hilarious? It must be just me, then.
*** Dust! Get it? Mine - storm - du - O you do.
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