But first, let me bore you with the minutiae of my daily battle with Hermes. No problems on the way into work this morning, the trouble started on the way home. The 24 bus didn't bother to put in an appearance, so the 182 was absolutely rammed.
What's that? Wait for the next 24 because the 182 goes a roundabout way and is slow?
<Conrad sticks a finger in his eye to stop his hysterical laughter>
Fools! You make the classical mistake of expecting the next First bus to actually arrive! And be on time.
A touch of the Dunkirk spirit prevailed and people commiserated with each other and condemned First* Bus.
Anyway, here you are:
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I knew I'd find a use for that calculator keypad |
Get Out Of Here WIth Your Deinosuchus**!
Since the source of this acronym is lost in the mists of time, and also Conrad's erratic memory, I have decided to provide a definitive version.
What Is A Deniosuchus, And Do You Drink, Smoke It Or Play It?
Conrad warns against approaching a deinosuchus, although the probability of you ever meeting one is pretty much zero, as they are an extinct species of prehistoric alligator. They were - what's the word? oh yes - ENORMOUS!
Dinner has arrived |
Oh, and the name means "Terrible Crocodile".
Doctor Who Monsters Part 4
No, sorry, not the Lesser-Known Not-Crap Monster article I came up with a short while ago. No, this is about that single bright shining moment of my day - No! Not when I cast off my human disguise! When I open up my Doctor Who Advent Calendar.
Who (or what) did we get today?
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Today, a bandy little orange chap |
- Ah, thanks |
"He underestimated the powers of organic crystallography"
Not often a scriptwriter gets to use the words "organic" and "crystallography" in the same sentence.
Orion. No, Not That Project Orion***
This concerns the test shot of the Orion spacecraft, in order to - well, test it. To see if it flies and, if so, how well. It is expected to get people to Mars - I volunteer every single--named celebrity that features in The Metro as long as they stay there.
Anyway, the flight has been postponed. Fingers crossed it doesn't go the way of the last Space-X mission, which had to self-destruct.
O Right-on Orion |
Fort Dologorodoc
This post is simply because I like the name, and is probably the only word in the world that has 5 "O"s in it. It was a fortified^ position in the highlands of Italian East Africa, scene of a protracted and bloody battle during late 1941.
Hard Rock Fort Dologorodoc |
Wait - what's that sound? OH NO! The Zygons are attacking! Save yourselves -
Easily confused. |
* Do you see the hilarious irony present in this name and concept?
** Come on, the acronym "GOOHWYD". Do keep up!
*** Work in-joke. No, I shan't explain it.
^ But of course. There is a clue in the name.
^^ No, not that Sophie, this Sophie.
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