We need to sneak some content pass the Hamstercurity Net, which is surely the inspiration for Skynet and the Hamsterminators.
So, a little random nonsense first. How do you make pickled ginger a la sushi? Well, first you scrape all the skin off the ginger, and then you slice off pieces as thin as you can manage -
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Thus |
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Sic* |
Ah, another duplicate - which is kind of fitting, really, as it's a Zygon:
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Lurking in all it's hideous orangeness |
Zygons - what are they good for? Well - this. |
I took this photo after I'd had my usual half-gallon of tea:
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Bombardier beer |
Star Wars
Yes, but! Nothing at all to do with George Lucas, Luke Skywalker or Obi Wan Kenobi. Instead Conrad gives you:
What, you expected details about Episode VII? Get out of here!**
Aha! Let The Puns Begin
One of the questions at our recent pub quiz was "Where was the largest structure in the world before 1991?" The answer was - Poland.
That was it. No mention of what this structure was, although it did generate a few catcalls about "The world's tallest Pole". Naturally, being nosey, Conrad decided to find out.
What does he find? Why, a radio tower mast designed by Jan Polak***, that stood 2,120 feet tall (or 706 yards) tall.
Here is the lanky rascal |
Darling Daughter Has Been Visiting
Yes, Sal blew in from her trendy student flat to help dog-sit, as it takes Conrad at least 18 hour to get home by First Bus, and we can't have Edna Wunderhund wundering just how long it'll be before a human comes to hold her paw, can we?
Well, we could, but it would risk the wrath of certain caninophilics who loiter locally^^.
I know, I know, I can tell what you're thinking - but if they were called "The Bloated Games" nobody would - Oh! Sorry, you were wondering if there was any evidence of Sal's visit, apart from a happy dog.
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Conrad is glad. There were 10 doughnuts there, a bit much for him |
Edna lives her life at two speeds, flat out or dead stop. This contrasts mightily with Jenny the Cyborg Sentry Cat, who lives life at Cat Speed, which is "Whatever I Feel Like Puny Human". The two rarely coincide, but when they do -
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Conrad nobly permits his clothing to be used as a cat bed. Note the entire "Official History of the First World War" in scarlet bindings in background |
How The Creative Process Works
Conrad often works out bits of plot or dialogue on bits of paper that then have to be transcribed onto another sheet of paper, before finally being typed up on Word, and then uploaded to Fanfiction, or passed around as a samizdat.
Anyway, here's a bit of illustration. Notebook on left, writing pad on right. A few lines in the notebook end up magnified into a page of A4 scrivel^^^.
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I know it's not news but I've got blog space to fill! |
Well, when I say "only", that means "the only one residents admit to".
* Latin for "Thus". Conrad - ever the poseur.
** Not literally. Your traffic is needed.
*** Such a surname is real? Egad!
^ That is, you could climb it faster going up the ladders.
^^ Hello Anna!
^^^ The portmanteau version of "scribble" and "drivel"
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