But since there are visual puns to come, I have to decoy away the ever watchful Hamsters with a distraction -
![]() |
This really, really smelled. (The cheese, not the lunchbox) |
Anyway I scoffed it all last night and feel fine. Copper stomach powered by nuclear fission.
"Happy Bums"
Although the inspirational bus poster is a source of much smug satisfaction in the world of Conrad, he does sometimes find it to be a thing of puzzlement.
Take that title, for example, which graced the side of a bus that drove past the icy bus stop this morning, in the pre-dawn gloom. It was the only part that Conrad caught sight of.
I do not intend to go Googling for an explanation.
Nor am I going to post a picture.
What's that? Oh, stop whining and I'll post a picture. STOP THE WHINING! Thank you.
In the UK we'd call them "Happy tramps" |
I want to claim this title as mine, before some musical artist pretends they wrote it first.
I saw the big plastic coat-hanger lying under the bus stop bench and felt puzzled. Who takes a coat-hanger on a bus journey and then abandons it when getting off or on the bus? Why would you even need a coat-hanger, and an inconveniently large and robust one, too?Was it lost accidentally or deliberately? And the biggie - are they ever going to return for it? So many questions and no answers.
I think I shall treat it as a metaphor for the human condition.
Now here's a picture of an exploding melon:
Because I can. |
Dog Buns! To Strongbow
Walking the walk of work this morning, Conrad espied a billboard hoarding, advertising a couple of those Ribena-flavoured "ciders" that consist of carbonated swill with colouring.
This kind of drivel |
Here we are:
He's pale as he stays out of the sun |
What? There's an internationally famous football team that plays in pink and whom are called "Palermo"? Why, that can only be an incredible coincidence!
Marmite And Nick Clegg
I realise this title violates both blog restrictions about 1) Politics and 2) Current Affairs, but once again - whose blog is it?
No! Not Irwin Schickelgruber's! Mine! It belongs to me!
Where was I?
Oh yes, Marmite. Nick Clegg is the Deputy Prime Minister and, in a BC article today, was compared with Marmite - which is a yeast extract. Famously, you either love Marmite or you hate it, no middle ground of "well I only like it on odd-numbered days of the week". One reason Conrad has the strength of ten is his daily breakfast of stale bread and Marmite.
Thick, jarring and liable to drip, this is Marmite. No - hang on a minute - |
Very brief article here as this sort of stuff seriously affects people's will to live, BUT! less than a hundred visitors needed for BOOJUM! to hit 10,000 views!
Given that tomorrow is New Year's Eve, expect a dreadfully indulgent look back at 2014 and how BOOJUM! all began.
Statistics are boring. That there's a link to exploding frozen turkeys.
Rejected Doctor Who Serial Titles
Oh how these make me laugh***!
"The Slugs of Doom"
"The Rugs of Doom"
"The Pugs of Doom"
"The Hugs of Doom"
"The Jugs of Doom"
"The Mugs of Doom"
"The Horror of Punk Rock^"
Actually the horror of punk rock was a very real thing in 1976.
Looks prettttty evil to me. |
* I do this for baking and similar shizzle. Don't get any funny ideas.
** Doesn't sound likely, does it?
*** You no like? Then the exit door IS THAT WAY!
^ I was going to put "The Horror of Wang Rock", referring to Wang Computers, but realised this could be <ahem> mis-interpreted.
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