Though it is rather frightening to think it's over 40 years old <muses on life back in 1977> and in fact, perhaps what I have to say does indirectly concern The Ramones.
Okay, two criteria that BOOJUM! has are that we avoid Politics -
Here an aside. The Manchester Evening News had an infographic about what percentage their respondents trusted various occupations. Top of the list - Nurses with 96%. Bottom of the list? You guessed it, politicians, with 19%. Hah!
- and Current Affairs.
However, we the editorial staff will gleefully ignore these restrictions if we think it'll bring in more readers, and yes, we really are that shallow.
Which brings us back to an item of recent issue,* namely a sidebar on the BBC's website asking "Why are Russia's rappers getting arrested?" Of course, since I detest rap music, the Ruffians can arrest as many rappers as they want. In fact if they want to assemble a UN-backed International Rapper Arrest, Detention and Punishment Team I will happily support them. They could add another two, one for Leider and another for Country And Western <gazes into space for a contented moment>.
Husky. His name. Although a lot of Ruffian men are. |
The truth is, the Ruffian government, just as with the Sinisters, is deeply, deeply suspicious of modern music. Tsar Putin rather inaccurately defined modern music as based on "Sex, drugs and protest. I am most worried about drugs -" he lied. No, he's worried about his nation's young people acquiring an attitude and defying authority, which IS one of the driving forces behind rock and roll (see why The Ramones are relevant?).
Tsar Putin's nightmare! |
See, Vlad? Your nightmares can get worse. |
Well Well - Wait - What The Hell?
If you read the blog conscientiously then you will recall, with a shudder, my explanation of chemical warfare during the First Unpleasantness, and that ghastly Teuton invention 'Mustard Gas'. This really was a dreadful innovation. Broadly, it was a liquid that gave off toxic fumes for hours or even days, fumes that went for moisture on the human body and caused (at best) temporary blindness and loss of voice.
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Life is never dull for Belgian Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
I did not see that coming.
Roger Murray-Leach
I know what you're thinking, and I don't need that Telepathy Helmet I - er - 'borrowed' from DARPA to find out. "The foolish old man is assembling names at random. Probably been at the cooking sherry."
Pausing only to point out that sherry is the Devil's sinus drainings, I shall explicate.
As you know - you HAVE been reading recent posts, haven't you? - I have been watching "The Ark in Space", an epic of dramatic reconstruction in the "Doctor Who" universe. I was very taken with the set design: it was impressively thought-out, consistent and detailed. Art?
Thus |
He did a lot of work on DW in the Seventies, including creating an alien "jungle" on 'Planet of Evil' that so impressed his producer than he was put up for a BAFTA.
![]() |
The jungle, simply oozing evil. Or tree sap. One of the two. |
What is even more impressive is that BBC budgets are always somewhat straitened, 'Doctor Who' being a prime example, so to get the kind of results above on a budget that wouldn't stretch to the catering bill at a South Canadian studio is outstanding.
Well done that man!**
Finally -
I can now combine two things that I prate on about all the time - Pink Floyd and Doctor Who. Imagine what would happen if Pink Floyd's remaining members contacted the Kremlin and said - "We're willing to tour Russia - but you gotta get rid of Putin first."
I imagine ten seconds of silence, then a diminishing scream as if someone had
Anyway, I had listened to the instrumental PF track "One of These Days" easily a hundred times before realising that strange prototype synthesizer break in the middle is actually the 'Doctor Who' theme tune, or a version thereof.
And there's a link for you to check out how truthful I am.
Making a pig's ear of it (Literally) |
* This means Conrad can't remember exactly when and can't be bothered to find out <the unflattering truth courtesy Mister Hand>
** I know I'm being uncharacteristically nice here. Don't worry, it won't last.
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