- featuring The Stath, which I have seen, and I have to say we realllllly do NOT need another film that vilifies the Noble Shark, because - as I have repeatedly stated - Sharks Are Our Friends.*
No, nothing to do with Mega-sharks, I am instead referring to the Big Meg, a.k.a. Mega-City One, which we have visited frequently of late, since we here at BOOJUM! take our didactic function seriously,** and if you read all these posts you will not feel astray when the television series arrives next year <Conrad, almost drooling with anticipation, pinches himself to see if he is awake and is pretty sure he is widely so>.
Entirely true |
Sorry, 400 million citizens.
"What is all this about?" I hear you chunter. "And be quick in explaining, for "Columbo" is on in ten minutes."
Pausing only to salute the redoubtable Peter Falk and your taste in crime dramas, I shall explicate, but THERE ARE SPOILERS. Okay? Art - pictures!
Note the fasces |
By the end of the series, the Big Meg is more of a Tiddly Meg, since 350 million citizens have been hastened off this mortal coil and large swathes of the city lie in ruins. Given the extent of the clean-up and reconstruction work, your humble scribe predicts a 97% employment rate, and it may take a while to breed back up to pre-Chaos levels.
"Disaster" the most frequent word |
People Are Strange***
I say that because
Further proof, were it needed |
Hmmm. Perhaps more Stephen King that Philip Kendred Dick?
The first person who mentions "Are You Being Served?" will be SHOT, but only after being poisoned, broken on the wheel and force-fed capsacin through their nostrils. Conrad not a fan. Before you begin whining, it's NOT a "classic", it's merely old.
<long pause whilst blood pressure settles down again>
This word came up in conversation yesterday, and, Conrad being Conrad, he naturally wondered where it came from. It refers, obviously, to all the little things to do with sewing: needles, buttons, bows, phased plasma rifles in the forty-watt range, that sort of stuff. Art?
Haberdashery |
![]() |
No, Art, no. |
* Unless or until they bite you.
** Well - sometimes.
*** I know, I know, Jim Morrison beat me to it.
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