- the quippers and quibblers out there will be going "Oooh how much does that cost, then?" and "Can you get it from Lidl?" because they're idiots. I am the comedian round here, thank you very much.
Where were we?
Oh yes: Overkill.
Grit your teeth and gird your loins, for we are back to reviewing "Defiance" by G.F. Nichols, that account of life in an artillery brigade during the First Unpleasantness in the year 1918 Anno Domini.
You need some background here - SIT BACK DOWN! this is interesting - to make sense of my recounting.
Okay, August 8th 1918 and the Battle of Amiens is widely taken to be the beginning of The Hundred Days, three months where the armies of Perfidious Albion (plus a few others) swept the Hun before them.
Amiens 1918 |
Well, it made me laugh.
Cur, Dirty, One of. |
Teuton MG team, probably cursing Fritz Haber for ever inventing gas warfare. (Note exhaust pipe to carry tell-tale steam well away from their position) |
With four hundred shells.
All of this and more! |
There you go, today's first case of overkill.
Okay, time to see if a double-layer of tinfoil will proof the motley against this flamethrower ...
![]() |
Quickly! Don your tinfoil hats! |
45 years? Wowsers. Now I feel old. |
"Day of Chaos: The Fourth Faction/Endgame"
Watch out, here be SPOILERS.
I have been re-reading this trade paperback of Judge Dredd, after picking up the storyline somehow online and deciding to buy it. The background idea, I think, was to "Thin the herd" somewhat, and have Mega-City One's population dramatically reduced, because dropping it from 800 million to 400 million still wasn't enough.
Someone is about to have an unpleasant experience |
Those eeeeevil Sovs who survived East-Meg One getting vapourised plotted to kill off 99.97% of the Big Meg's population, which would have left about 1.25 million alive. Fortunately their germ warfare agent has been sabotaged, so "Only" 85% of the population choke it, leaving a whole 40 million survivors.
There's more, actually - thanks to an intensive immigration campaign, within a few years the Big Meg's citizenry number 73 million, or about a fifth of the pre-Chaos Day total. Give it a generation and it'll be back at 400 million again.
Sorry, Sovs. Must Try Harder.
Oh - everyone's favourite mass-murdering dyslexic PJ Maybe - ends up a hero. Who knew! |
* Sorry for the technical language.
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