It's a new word I just made up out of whole cloth. COME ON! When has BOOJUM! ever sported a spelling mistake? I shall wait while you check.
<nineteen hours pass>
There you go. What Your Humble Scribe refers to is, of course, the algorithms that Blogger uses to keep track of web data. This is where one can read about how many people have been scanning your scrivel, the better to boost your ego, or decide that a total audience of 3 is not worth continuing for. Art?
Lest the font be too small for your aged eyes, that's "556" in total, which is where the 'Magic' part of the 'Mathe-' comes in.
Seriously? Ten times the daily total in one morning? Your Humble Scribe is witty and charming and handsome, but not enough to confirm a total which is so completely out of the ballpark. Out of the postal code, if we're honest.
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Conrad is - suspicious. |
We have been here before, a couple of years ago when the tracking algorithm over-indulged on Jeyes Household Cleaning Fluid and Drambuie and BOOJUM! regularly hit 700 visitors per day. It took a good 6 months before things settled back down to normal.
"How incredibly flattering!" I hear you exclaim. "Soon you'll be alongside public features like Rob Brydon and Richard Herring!"
Your allusion is obscure; and such bloated figures are not altogether good news. For one thing, if artificially-inflated, then I have no idea whom amongst you is indeed perusing these lines, and thus I don't know who to preserve when my starship invasion fleet arrives If they are genuine, which I doubt - 500 people in Sweden suddenly got a pash for the blog? - then things are serious, since our stock in trade is slander, libel and malicious gossip. Injunctions and solicitors loom ...
But it's so much fun! |
"Avengers: Endgame"
And the one preceding it even more so - "Infinity War", I believe it was called. There is, I believe, a gaping plot hole in both these films, which of course I cannot resist sharing with you, though I shall try to avoid any spoilers. Art?
The one before |
Thanos, it seems, is motivated by a desire to prevent the Universe from becoming over-populated, and to this end he intends to wipe out 50% of all living things, thus solving the problem -
Except no. NO!
First of all, killing off half of everyone will in fact result in a whole lot more than 50% dying, as society will collapse, at least partially. Did you think about that, you big blue wonk? Then there is the concept of CONTRACEPTION. I bet you didn't stop to think about that, either, did you, dimwit?*
"Errrrrrrrrr -" |
Magic Sparklies of a different kind |
<Heavy sigh> Hollywood, Must Do Better.
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Conrad is - annoyed |
"I Don't Like Parrots"
Your Modest Artisan is a little unsure how or why this phrase popped up in his mind a couple of days ago.
I am not referring to the actual, physical, literal bird that we know and love as Psittacopasserae, as that would be logical and sensible, and this is BOOJUM! where the laws of logic are pretty much despised.
"Polly wants a LITHIUM WAFER BATTERY!" |
No, I am referring to those repellent "musical performers" who are noted for a distinct lack of musical ability. Can they play an instrument? Can they what! These idiots would try to play an electric guitar with a pair of breakfast trays. They might -
Here an aside. A
When she fell off the sanity wagon |
Okay, back on rant. These performing parrots (now you see where the title comes from) might, with considerable rehearsal and patience, be trained to hit a triangle. Not a cymbal, they're expensive.
The PPs cannot compose music, either. Nor can they create songs, unless someone sits behind them and moves their talentless arms in a scribing motion. Art!
"Has considerable trouble keeping it's clothes on" |
So, no: I do not like parrots**.
I think this is relevant |
I'm pretty sure that salsa dip ought not to be fermenting in the packet; methinks I'll pass on that one and have my cucumber straight***. No, no photograph - use your imagination!
Finally -
I am thinking of a ghost story by that titan of the genre, Montague Rhode James, and cannot remember the title. Hopefully I will finish this blog with a few minutes left to scan teh Interwebz for it. I recall that there were two parts, which didn't really seem to relate to each other, featuring an extremely unpleasant young man who conjures up rather nasty playmates, and an attack by a giant saw-fly. If I recall correctly, it's been a while.
For that matter, what is a saw-fly? Art?
This is one of the rascals |
And with that, we are done!
* Recklessly brave, that's me.
** I feel much better after that tanting and venting!
*** Yes, this unusual. Normally I'd scoff and wait for things to develop or not, which is usually not, except probably is for this case.
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