For no, this is not an encomium about railway modellers or trainspotting <hack spit!> but rather about that constant concern of BOOJUM! - namely LITHIUM WAFER BATTE - er, no, not that either - namely logistics.
Amateurs Logs and sticks. Close enough |
Go to war on a crumpet |
Anyway, let us contemplate the Atlantic Ocean. It is wide. It is wet. It is watery - a salient feature of oceans. It also sat squarely between the South Canadian tank factories churning out tanks, and the European theatre, where said tanks needed to be in order to fight the foe. Art?
H2O |
Thus |
Thus |
Egad! I Am Aghast!
You know that bit from the poem about the Onion Lady (I think - it's been a while) when the mirror cracks from side to side - shoddy workmanship and poor materials with no Quality Control, methinks - and she bewails that she's undone -
Summat like |
No, I feel a colossal sense of worthlessness, because despite spending half an hour on it, I've only got 6 answers to today's Cryptic Crossword in The Metro. 6! This is dismal. If I were Parliament, there'd be questions asked.
In my defence, I have to say it looks as if the compilers have been changed, which means a tortuous bedding-in process as Your Humble Scribe gets to grips with another's mind-set and weltanschaung. O the trauma.
Your Humble Scribe is trying to hammer this content out at lunchtime, whilst eating lunch - who says men can't multi-task? - because I wasn't able to get much done before starting work. We have had to switch desks in the office (AGAIN!) which means having to restart all your apps and Outlook, which takes time, especially Outlook, meaning there was less time to pound out some words of Wit, Wisdom and Wonder, and did I mention how much of a pain Outlook was being?
And my StickyNotes was completely blanked.
Conrad is angry!*
![]() |
ANGRY CONRAD! (What do you mean, how do you tell the difference?) |
If you follow the blog with any regularity, then you know odd words are always popping up in Conrad's brain for no good reason, certainly none I can explain. My brain is there, and it works**, and that's about all I can vouch for.
Anyway, what popped into my head twenty minutes ago but a speech from one of the villains from the BBC's premier dramamentary "Doctor Who".
"The International Brotherhood of Logicians is the most powerful mass intelligence in history", if I recall correctly - it's been a while. Art?
Villain at port: Mister Klieg |
Well, after nearly two hours from finishing work, I am finally home to finish off this serenade of sententious senselessness. Thank you First Bus for providing a mobile sauna to help me sweat off the pounds and for producing that eager air of anticipatory suspense as one service after another doesn't bother to turn up. True, I am a bit short of 1,000 words but since over 500 people have read yesterday's blog so far, I don't feel that pressured about it.
Pip pip!
* I know I'm always angry, this time I'm even angrier than usual.
** Mostly <the horrid truth courtesy Mister Hand>
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