- and not because I've had a go at that DARPA telepathy helmet. No, I can tell from my own intuition that you're wondering if I've been at the cooking sherry.
Well, no. First of all, sherry is an abomination in alcohol form. Secondly, I'm getting this text in at 6:45 a.m. which is, you have to admit, a bit early in the day to be getting sozzled.
This chap is obviously listening for advanced warning of elephant stampede |
"Syzygy" is not a word you will come across outside astronomical circles. It's derivation is of course Greek - they have a lot to answer for, those Greeks - from "Suzugia" meaning "yoked".
"Blimey!" I hear your awed whisper. "Hitting all the bases today, aren't we, old man!" Also "What?"
I do try.
An explication would be in order at this point - or, if you like, I can continue the willful obfuscation all day or longer - oh, that's a yes, is it?
A Syzygy is an astronomical term for the alignment of three (occasionally more) heavenly bodies, which is where the "yoked" analogy comes in.
This happened at lunch yesterday, where there were 4 bodies rather than 3 - the ever-lovely Anna*, a fetchingly hirsute Tom, a cold-stricken Russ and Conrad your humble hack. It doesn't often happen so I'm making a fuss about it.
Come on, work with me on this! You've just learnt Greek and astronomy.
A Syzygy |
The Letter Gets The Bird
As you should almost certainly recall, Conrad was recently making a fuss about Owl City and their debut "Ocean Eyes", more for it's insidious catchiness than anything of greater import.
Insidiousness made digital |
Of course, wherever there's a manger, you will always find a dog willing to bed down there. So in this case. Some pikers loudly claim that Owl City is nothing more than a hack copying from the far superior original, a group called -
The Postal Service. That's where the title pun comes from. And yes, they did have problems with the real thing.
Okay, before you get out the metaphorical pitchforks and analogy shotguns, let us look a little closer at the case. I shall put up a couple of Youtube links and you can judge for yourselves. Don't contradict me or there will be trouble served for dinner.
That's "Vanilla Twilight" from the Owls.
And that's "Such Great Heights" from the Posties. Have a picture of their album. Art?
"Give Up". Not to be unkind, but they kinda did. |
There is actually a basis for comparison here, though OC is a lot poppier and punnier. Plus, TPS only ever released one record back in 2003; nothing since then. I suspect some of the OC-haters are pining unrequited fans of TPS still waiting for the follow-up.
"Ocean Eyes" didn't get released until 2009, which considered slackness - in Conrad's opinion - hardly counts as bandwagon-jumping.
More Of Clerihew
I did warn you last night, world, that you may regret your modest artisan ever discovering the clerihew. Here's one reason why:
Dorothy L. Sayers
Neglected to say her prayers.
Therefore she went straight to Hell.
But she wrote detective fiction very well.
I could be traducing fair Dorothy here, she might have been high holy and heavenly, but then facts and the truth have never really bothered us here at the blog.
Dot as a bright young thing, no doubt already on the primrose path |
Behold The Broth
Here's a wholesome and heartwarming sight. Art?
Very welcome indeed to a poor enfeebled and barely able to drag himself from his diving-board** of sickness.
Have I mentioned being unwell? If you like I can give a loooong detailed description <Mister Hand shuts this down right away>
Unfortunately For Mister Hand -
- it's MY blog and he remains shackled at the wrist, so I'm back, harping on about being ill and pathetic. Here is evidence that I am not well. Art?
![]() |
The Jaffa cakes! Obviously! |
Hmmm. I think I now have a project for the weekend ...
* That accounts for the 'heavenly' bit
** Because a bed would have been boring
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