- that your humble scribe is a creature of routine. He has his likes and dislikes, and changes opinion or routine slowly and reluctantly. For example, it took a good 20 years for him to decide that he did like Led Zeppelin after all. I'm sure Robert Plant will be relieved to know this. In the same way, he is unlikely to amend his views on The Metro or First Bus any time before the early 25th century, also consequently he is unlikely to stop banging on about themes he likes.
"Oh no!" I hear you quail. "Not more cultural ephemera from the pen of Thomas Pynchon."
Pausing only to note your improved vocabulary - you can't take any credit, it's all my influence - I shall airily dismiss your snivelling cavilling and move on, to -
If you're not fond of this series you may want to skip this bit. I will find out if you do, though, and bear in mind that I both bear a grudge and know where you live*. Interestingly enough, if you examine the end credits, as I do, then you will know the Conan Doyle estate have given permission for the show to use Sherlock Holmes and his milieu. Trawling through end credits is always rewarding, or at least it is to those of us who also enjoy reading the ingredient lists on the back of a packet of biscuits.
Riveting stuff, absolutely riveting |
Again, Conrad loves this programme for it's language. I shall be inconsolable when Series 5 ends. Will there be a Series 6? One can only hope so.
"Tell us, Conrad, what lexicographical superlatives transpired?**"
Lots! Shall we list them? We shall? Oh goody.
"Hubris": Greek for the sin of pride, which, in mythology always came back to bite the proud on the behind. Much as my nethers get nibbled by that damn Coincidence Hydra.
Close enough |
"Tedium": Boredom, a.k.a. ennui, which is a slightly posher way of saying boredom.
"Crapulent": pertaining to the consumption of alcohol. Conrad will be avowedly non-crapulent for the duration of his medication.
![]() |
Your sober, serious scribe |
"Egress": Leaving "Ingress": Entering
"Atomic Toasters"
Conrad came across this site quite by accident, much to his delight. Probably whilst checking out Project Daedalus. The title is a misnomer because, of course, nobody has atomic toasters -
- although that would be cool, getting your slice of nutty brown cob toasted properly in 0.257 microseconds, if you can use the term "cool" of a thermonuclear thermal device -
Oh Noes! Done for 0.258 microseconds! |
It happens to be shut down now; perhaps "dormant" would be a better description. Unlike most blogs, the Comments are worth reading.
Here an aside - it would be nice, you know, to receive the odd piece of feedback, if you could add something to BOOJUM! via the Comments section. You know, make an old man feel that he's not shouting into an anechoic abyss.
- or you might get one of these dropped on you |
A Rather Short Film Review
This coda is from my previous reviews, where there was already too much wonderful stuff. You can have too much of a good thing, apparently that's how you get diabetes, having ice cream for breakfast, instead of brown crunchy stuff***. Okay, let her rip.
"Chosen": DO THEY NOT KNOW! The constant battle of a blogster to generate content that is creative, educational and amusing. Occasionally frightening or willfully obscure, too, I admit and yet <Mister Hand redacts pages of self-pitying drivel> frying-pan. Yes, really!
What do I have to work with here? "Chosen". Hardly promising material and the advert doesn't make anything clearer, either. Chosen for what? 'It's a great honour' said the elders of the tribe, as their selected victim was trussed hand and foot and chucked into a volcano.
Will also do toast in 0.275 microseconds |
By the way, "Cavilling" comes from the word "Cavil", which means to make small-minded criticisms, and which is rendered "szőrszálhasogatás" in Hungarian.
* No pressure.
** "What big words were heard?"
*** Toast. Not MDF. Just to be clear.
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