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Monday 20 March 2017

Amidst The Chaos Of The Day

Which, If You Did But Know
 - is a song title from that most excellent thriller "True Romance", which also has an excellent soundtrack, by the way.  One of Christian Slater's finer moments, with a great cast - there's not many films where you can say Dennis Hopper plays a good guy.  And, typically, nothing to do with what follows.  But you were expecting that, weren't you?  Creature of habit, that's Ol' Conrad.
     I might have put "Amid The Hideously Depressing Grey Blanket Of A Dismal Dawn" except that sort of title inspires people to jump off window ledges, and I'd hate for that to happen to you - I need my traffic figures up!  What I was hoping and scoping for was a kind of reference to BOOJUM! as a touchstone of - well, not exactly sanity, more a familiar presence.  Sanity sits outside on the doorstep as far as we are concerned.
Image result for doorstep
Along with the milk

     So!  Here we are again.  I have to say - I know you didn't ask - but I am feeling considerably less rough than on Friday; when I was not so much at Death's door as sitting on his settee having a cup of tea with him.  The debilitating hack is now merely an irritating tickle in the throat, the nose is no longer running freely and the headache of early Sunday vanished after drinking a pint of water.  I feel almost ready to tackle that "Beda Fomm" hex-and-counter boardgame - not "The Cossacks Are Coming", I feel that one's so complex it would bring on a breakdown.
Image result for hex and a counter
About the complexity my mind can cope with at present

     Time, I feel, to let the motley with it's stabilisers firmly mounted, to dodder onto the cycle path.

Further Of The Flop House
Conrad continues to mine this comedy-coalface for humour, and because I spell it the proper way, they'll never know*!
     I avoided adding this into yesterday's article because then the whole thing would have been The Flop House versus Food Fight, and I know you appreciate a little variety with your venom.
     So, the first omission was an hilarious tangent sprung from nothing, where Elliot started riffing on - Tin-Tin.  In an exaggerated Southern belle accent, playing the part of some lonely female grass widow a la Tennessee Williams, to the extent of saying "Tan-Tan" because that's how Southern belles ring**. 
Image result for tin tin
Tin Tin, running from the desperate housewives ...

This went on until it culminated in the devastating realisation that what they were talking about was "Cat On A Hot Tin-Tin Roof", at which point your humble scribe dissolved into laughter.  Not only that, the play had been written, they realised, by Tin-essee Williams. Cue more laughter.
     Then!  Elliot surprised and alarmed me in equal amounts by referring to the "Codex Seraphinianus", which is also known by an alternate title, "The World's Wierdest Book" and it is a title well-deserved I can tell you.  
Image result for codex seraphinianus
A sample

Why yes I do have a copy, and have mentioned it in BOOJUM! before, and can point to it as the foundation of a pile of other books.  Mostly regimental histories from the First Unpleasantness, nothing odd there.
Image result for thomas pynchon v
Possibly the world's second weirdest book

I like this art-form.  A bit of inconsequential nonsense that rhymes, which comes reeling out of Conrad's mouth anyway, and this way it gets to count towards the total.  Win-win all round, unless you are the person being traduced.  In which case - heh!
     Remaining with our focus across the briny Atlantic deeps, let us now Clerihew! a South Canadian legend:

Frontiersman Davy Crockett
Built the first multi-stage rocket.
He only had the cash to build the one.
Therefore when he launched it, it was gone.

Andy Kaufman is not dead!
He's gone where the astronauts tread.
Less of a Man-in-the-Moon
More one upon it, the raving loon.

     There you go, heroes old and new insulted free of charge.
     You see, South Canada, you see?  This is what you gave up with That Most Wickede And Naughtie Rebellyon.  Serves you right.

Ahum, To Quote Rorschach
I say, I've rather rattled on again, haven't I?  Now Conrad requires a short article to round out the count, and I can't add in another Clerihew! as that would be cheating.
     There is always Robo-wallaby.  Art?
Image result for robo wallaby
     Why on earth you would create one of these is a bit beyond your humble hack.  It doesn't appear to be any use as a domestic household servant - those useless little arms! - and, lacking in-built weaponry, it would suck severely in assisting any would-be apprentice dictators.  Me, I'd go for the Gronkinator.  Art?

Image result for gronkinator 2000AD
No colour version available.  Sorry.

*  Cue sinister cackle.
**  Do you see what I did there?

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