In a nutshell; exploiting old traffic and bad puns. What? You expect me to behave with a moral compass? You must be new.
Okay, back to all matters Czech.
"Ne!" I hear you call. "Soucit!*"
SIT BACK DOWN! This is interesting, it IS!
Okay, quite by coincidence - which has a habit of biting one on the ass when least expected and more than once in the day - I purchased a can of Budweiser going cheap at the Co-Op in Royton, and only realised late last night what I had.
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Evidence |
AHEM! Thank you for your flattering interpretation of my lifestyle.
Quick history lesson: Czechoslovakia used to be part of the Hapsburg Empire, which also included Austria - spoken language German - and Hungary - spoken language Magyar, not to mention bits of Poland and Italy, plus Serbia and Bosnia and - you get the idea, a real mish-mash of languages. The brew above is the Germanic version of the original "Budejovice", after the town in Czechoslovakia, where this stuff has been brewed for seven hundred and seventy years.
And later on I shall be drinking it.
For Yesterday's Additional Coincidence
This will teach me to boldly challenge fate, causality and phenomenology. On creating yesterday's post I stated that we'd not had any other coincidences strike. I was wrong - see above for one such strike, and here comes another:
I have been banging on about the band of late - and this came up on Facebook. Whoopee! Except it's only dates in South Canada. Booh! Except they may be over here later. Whoopee! Except they may not play Manchester. Booh! And if they do I bet it won't come cheap - better check out the Bridgewater Hall in a couple of months.
Yes! Another bad pun!
You can put this one down to Oscar, that combination of memory and subconscious that spontaneously generates blog material. Not consistently, I assure you, I do have to work for content-creation myself during waking hours. My policy of leaving notepad and pen by the bed, next to my Browning Hi-Power, has yielded results,
"L.O.O.B." is an acronym, meaning "Left Out Of Battle", a practice formalised in the British army during the First Unpleasantness. As you are probably aware even when successful attacks on the Western Front could be horribly costly in terms of casualties, so a wise commander selected a cadre as LOOB. These men would then form the skeleton of a new formation if the old one had been shot to bits, bringing their experience and knowledge to the green replacement drafts.
Audience Demographics
Conrad supposes that commercial television companies target viewers, partly based on what time of day they broadcast. Does one such demographic, I wonder, have the title "Old And Ill"?
I query this as I was watching an episode of "The Avengers" - the inferior Linda Thorson season, I'm afraid - and noted the adverts that came on during the break.
First one that seemed to be Medical Travel Insurance Comparison, for the elderly and infirm who want to inform about the costs of tottering off overseas. Then one from the Co-Op, about funerals, which was quite amusing. Then another one about funerals and how much cheaper Whatever were than Whichone; obviously not very effective if your humble scribe didn't remember their names.
Excuse me! I'm old, but not that old.
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Conrad. He may be old, but he does have all the pens. |
You will recall Conrad yarking on about the arms dealer sentenced to jail for supplying his mate with hundreds and hundreds of weapons, and the
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A very small sample |
One of the weapons your gifted author noticed was a Steyr-Solothurn MP34, which he cannot find in any shots of this
More evidence |
And do you know what? Tracking the above photograph led to a website called "Internet Movie Firearms Database", which had Conrad rubbing his sweaty hands with glee. Here is the link to the "Hot Fuzz" page:
Perhaps a bit niche for most of you, to those of us with an obs- interest in guns, it's all very welcome stuff.
* Czech for "No!" and "Mercy!"
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