Complex if you're Conrad, whose understanding of team games amounts to the observation that rugby is two teams of men doing their best to crush each other to death, whilst football is two teams of prima donnas fainting in coils when their ankles get tapped.
There! Having offended lots of people I shall move on to the meat of the matter.
"Tell us, Conrad, tell us!" I hear you chorus. "Because we've got "Take Me Out" to watch."
Well, that tells me more about you than I care to know.
Yesterday I took a photograph at the bus stop, which I reproduce below:
Clear blue skies, sunshine and sub-zero temperatures. These were the conditions this morning, too, making your humble scribe's habitually sour morning mood lighten a little. Enough to crease the corners of his mouth in a the ghost of a smile. However, there was too much other material yesterday to add in that about the weather.
And what has the weather done but turn? It's dismally dank and wet tonight. Still, I shall carry on with the post that should have gone in yesterday because recycling is in.
Well Now Winter Weather!
As you surely know by now, Conrad never holds a mental position for longer than 24 hours, or indeed 24 minutes if he thinks there's comic potential to be had from switching. So, from whinging about the weather on Sunday, today he is happy to salute it - cold, yes, but DRY by all above, DRY I say! (unlike Conrad, quaffing a beer). There's even the distinct possibility of snow, which would be great for the first 24 hours.
I did notice that the gritters were out last night, which you can practically guarantee means it's going to be icy. I can only think of two nights when they went out spreading grit and sand and it wasn't icy the next morning. Weather-wizardry of a high order.
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Recycling is cool So was the morning |
I know, I know, I should be apologising for these words that pop up and simply demand to be defined. "Bifurcation" is the process of splitting an entity into two. Derived from Latin - obviously! - since "Bi" = "Having two" and "Furca" = "A fork". From thence to "Bifurcare" and then "Bifurcate".
And there's a link to ATV performing "Splitting In Two"
Conrad Causes Coincidences
Perhaps. From his reading material creating ripples in space-time, we move on to your humble scribe affecting the real world. I have to apologise to Alex, because she's lost her phone and it's my fault. If she hadn't been sitting with us at lunch discussing how sensible it is to insure your mobile phone, it would never have gone missing. Once again, Universe, if you have anything to say, couldn't you just use social media? Or, if the Universe's tastes run to the traditional, a postcard?
Talking of Youtube and music from the Eighties, here's a link to the faintly wonderful "Wonderlust" by Trevor Herion:
A great little electronic gem.
I Would Like To Birfucate The Foobs
Really, they are most annoying! Normally they can be trusted to come up with fearful rubbish as "Suggested Posts", by which they mean "Utterly random nonsense we dredged up by throwing Post-its off a motorway bridge and catching them on passing windscreens". Although that probably credits them with too much planning and foresight.
To prove my point, please see this post from them:
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Trend Routing Technology! Wait, what? |
- And Then There's This
After taking aim at the barn wall and shooting themselves in both buttocks, the Foobs then recover incredibly with this -
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Now, Conrad cannot get excited about the discovery of an hitherto-unknown opera by WAM and co-creator Salieri, because opera, to Conrad, is suspiciously close to being a musical.
Well, quite beside that, WAM was a musical genius, Conrad has spoken and that's that.
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