You may be forgiven for asking "How do we tell the difference?" as it is well-known that you cannot trust Conrad to tell the truth if, by
Well, this is going to take a bit of explanation. Firstly -
NO! I am not referring to the character of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter universe. Not at all.
Close enough |
As I'm sure I've bored you with several times already, Conrad is currently reading "The History of the Peloponnesian War" by Thucydides, and a riveting set of tales it is. Essentially the entire Greek world of 430 BC took up sides against each other. I'll add a bit more detail in lower down, but for the moment I would like to point out that one coastal town mentioned several times was - Hermione.
In Greek mythology Hermione (they don't bother with surnames) was a character who ended up marrying Orestes and bearing a child by him, after which, having done her wifely duty, she fades into the assumed background. Presumably the town took her name as they wanted to boost the tourist trade.
Thus, Hermione.
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Harry and Ginny tease her - |
Hence, Potter.
Oh, I say, what a wild coincidence! You don't think that might attract visitors? Surely not ...
Gollancz And Their Open Submission Month
I had quite forgotten my other zombie minor opus, "From Shadow To Daylight", which comes in at 83,000 words and so qualifies. I'm not sure about submitting it; the zombies take a while to appear and I may have made up the geological assay process from whole cloth. Or not. I do try to get technical details right, except it's years since I wrote it and the creative process escapes me.
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Conrad: old, confused - - but still dangerous. |
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See? Dangerous. |
Compare And Contrast: "The Conscience of the King"
I managed to catch a snippet of, and then the end, of this Star Trek tale from the original series, and - in the spirit of mischief which makes First Bus spokesdemons nervous - wondered how it would have been treated as a "Next Generation" episode. The plotline involves a band of strolling players, one of whom may be a mass-murderer wanted for killing thousands of people.
Lenore: Young, sexy - - and dangerous |
See? Dangerous. |
"How? How can I get a parking ticket in OUTER SPACE?!" |
Another sub-par January morning - it ticks all the Grim Boxes. Dark? Check. Cold? Check. Wet? Check. Raining? Check. Windy? Check
Yet there are still birds in the pre-dawn chorus loudly prating about how wonderful life is. What the heck is it that amuses them so?
BB: Touch of precipitation today, what?
T: Indeed. Is that why Fatty's hair is wet?
BB: No, the sad old sod had a shower just now.
T: And didn't bother to dry it?
BB: Pshaw! The deluded old duffer must be going for the "slick" look. Thinks it impresses the ladies.
T: Closer to "sick" than "slick"!
BB: Hmm. Quite.
T: Almost - wait for it! - "Hairum Scarum"!
BB: Mph. Agreed*.
STARLING: Wowsers, him again! Talking of wet, I were looking in through the bathroom window and you'll never guess what -
- then the bus came.
Anatomy Of A Cake
Yes, you gannets, all you see is a slice of cake! There's a lot more to it than cramming an over-sized slice of Sultana Cake into your greedy maw, I can tell you. Art?
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Obviously - obviously! - the cake |
"Oh Conrad!" I can hear you call. "Do tell us how you managed it!"
Why I thought you'd never ask. Okay, on Wednesday I measured out all the ingredients, put the sultanas on to soak overnight and double-lined the baking tin. Thursday morning I set the sultanas to drain; you don't want too much liquid going into the cake. At about 8:15 Thursday evening I made the batter; I cheated with the butter and sugar by giving them a gentle zap in the microwave for a few seconds, which makes beating them to a lifeless pulp so much easier.
Put the tin in the oven 8:30, then went back to draw up a refinement of World Domination plans. Before leaving for the Pub I "tented" the tin with pierced tin foil, meaning it shouldn't burn.
Getting back in at 11:30 it was definitely done, baked not burnt.
Conrad 5 Cake 5!
None of this bother the workplace ganterpies, of course. They don't have an inner monologue but if they did it would be "CAKE NOM NOM NOM SCOFF SCOFF"
What the fork? I Googled "ganterpie" and this came up, amongst others. |
* Is it me or does Blackbird not like anyone else being wittier than he?
** This is a horribly insulting word but nobody from work reads BOOJUM! so I'm safe.
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