"Wayne's World" <silent pause for ten seconds of revered acknowledgement> and doubtless there is a website out there titled "Everything I Know I Learnt From Wayne's World", although as time is pressing and I only just thought of it, there's no way I can go off and check.
Our |
Not tonight!
Tonight I went to Lidl, and then B & M. The milk is from Lidl, and comes in at half the price of Morrison's. This is a win-win situation as long as it doesn't taste as if made from ditchwater and chalkboard scrapings. The barely-discernible "Mixed Grill" tin is probably mostly baked beans with some sad sausage and broken bacon - however! Conrad plans to have them heated up on a pair of GIANT CRUMPETS tomorrow.
The beer? Ignore the beer.
Doctor Who Videos
I've written this out, several days ago, so you are going to get the benefit. SIT DOWN! YES YOU ARE!
That's better. Now, the video is a defunct form of life; nobody makes or sells video players anymore so if you have any in the attic, they make great things to throw at concerts once you've opened up the case and unspooled the tape a bit.
Twenty eight years ago, mind, they were really big. You were nobody unless you had a video player, preferably with a remote control, and you could link it up to the television (which had a cathode ray tube) and record programmes!
The white heat of Eighties technology |
"Go on," I can hear you complaining, "Get it over with and allow us to move on."
Why certainly!
1) In a demonstration of how utterly inept the BBC management was, when they ran out of storage room for the tapes of back episodes of Doctor Who, they simply destroyed all the old ones to make more room. No, silly, renting or leasing or <gasp> building more storage space would be stupid and senseless, the best course is to burn it! BURN IT! BURN IT ALL!! (One gets the sense that the BBC's upper management didn't quite like Doctor Who). This is why pre-1970 stuff is vanishingly rare.
Now it can be told: the BBC's Head of Light Entertainment 1962 - 1986 |
Actually I could write so much on this that there wouldn't be any other posts, so we shall come back to this one.
Getting ready to record "Coronation Street" |
As mentioned in other posts, one of the wonderful things about me is the way things suddenly pop up in my mind. Like this word.
What does it mean? A boisterous young woman. In the light of the above, Art?
Ace in playful mood |
As ever, Steve likes to mix in one or two very hard questions into the melange of stuff about Harry Potter's bank, what vegetable is a Figaro, and who married Prince Rainier.
Here's two examples:
Q) Mount Narodnaya is the highest peak in which mountain range?
A) The Urals.
Conrad guessed correctly, working out that - despite Steve's terrible pronunciation - this mountain was Russian, and he only knows two mountain ranges in Russia - the Urals and the Pamirs.
Playing golf on Narodnaya |
A) Lillian Hellman.
Nope, didn't get that one, although I've heard of her. Something to do with "Little Foxes"? And Steve mangled the pronunciation of Dashiel as well.
Colour me clever |
Some Things Are Worth Stealing ...
Take this for example -
![]() |
And there we have it for tonight.
Tomorrow? We'll see about that. There will be a Mouse, a Moose, a Goose and possibly a caboose.
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