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Sunday, 22 November 2015

BOOJUM! - Working Hard So You Don't Have To

Kind Of
In one sense it depends what you define as "work".  Washing a car, weeding the herbaceous border,  laundering sports kit, exercising in the gym - none of these are what your humble scribe would call "work", more along the lines of "unbearably dull stuff that gets in the way of interesting things".  Okay, here endeth the teaser.
Image result for teasel
A teasel. Close enough
All will become clear later.
     Which again begs the question of what one defines as "interesting".  Going through the bibliography of a book on military history and ticking all the entries you've either got or read - now that's interesting*.  Pausing a film on freeze frame whilst watching it at one-fifth speed to pick out continuity flaws - equally as interesting*!  Reading the ingredients list on the back of a Twinkies box - utterly riveting*.  Creating an index for an official history of a military formation of the First Unpleasantness - how can it get more interesting than this?
Image result for died of boredom
It IS interesting, I tell you!  It is!
     I would direct your attention to the second Interesting Thing, and as it applies to "Where Eagles Dare".  If you have been keeping up with BOOJUM! you will know that Conrad, to preserve his liver, gave up on the WED drinking game and has instead substituted a look at all the Goofs listed on the IMDB website for this film. Thus last night, instead of going out and smashing the glass in a bus stop or putting lit sparklers down a letterbox, Conrad was busy writing this:

When Maj. Smith discovers the body of Sgt. MacPherson and rolls him over on his back, you can see the actor's eyelids moving slightly.

Schaffer discovers the body.  I have looked at this scene repeatedly, slowed down to 1/5th speed with my face against the screen and I cannot see any eyelid movement.

     I hope I'm not delivering any spoilers here, as the film is 47 years old.  Also, see what lengths this grumpy hair-splitting old pedant will go to in order to get it right.  Oh, and by the way, whoever posted this on IMDB, it's Sergeant Harrod.
The sergeant in question, in livelier times
Well that's a whole lot of words.  What's next?  Doctor Who!

Doctor Who
I would just like to say that Peter Cushing played Doctor Who, you know.  Twice.  And in films, moreover.  Apart from being the quintessential English gentleman, Peter was also a keen wargamer, as my pal Pete Jones posted about several times on Facebook.  20mm, or 1/72 scale if you will, from the look of things.
A great friend of Christopher Lee, somewhat ironically
     Where was I?
     Oh yes, last night's Doctor Who.  I am afraid Conrad did not feel engaged about this one.  I liked the cool "Death Counter" tattoos, which might put Darling Daughter off getting another one.  Aaaaand that was about it.  The Mysterious Hidden Kingdom set in the heart of London rather felt like "Harry Potter" with the serial numbers filed off <coughcoughDiagonAlleycoughcough>.  The other good thing was that Miss Smug Gums, Clara Oswald, got taken out by a - I'm not sure what.  Heat-seeking raven made of barbecue smoke and Twiglets?  I timed her last 2 minutes and the Doctor must have been meddling in the background as those 2 minutes lasted for what seemed like 10.  Good Lord aloft did she go on!  I take it this is her big goodbye as a speech of that length must have been written specially for her.
Image result for doctor who the wargames
NO!  Art, I'm gettig my Tazer -
     Oh, I was reminded of that low-budget high-imagination cult success, "Trancers", where our hero gets a stopwatch that literally stops, it gives him a "long second" and stretches that one second into ten.  
Image result for clara oswald watch bracelet
Proof!  Look at that watch bracelet!
"Inter Alia"
One of those phrases that your humble scribe has come across before, and been too lazy to look it up.  It means "Amongst other things".
     To put this in context by way of explaining it, BOOJUM! tackles, inter alia, The Metro, First Bus, Strategic Rocket Forces Base Number Sixteen, and weasels.
Image result for easelImage result for easel

                                              Close enough

A Reprise
I've loved the concept of "Reprise" since "Dark Side of the Moon", which I can't be bothered to explain, go look at the track listing if you must.  Here we have Conrad's reprise of his "Sadler's Mud City Stout", which sounded truly horrid:

Crafted with raw cocoa, rolled oats and vanilla pods

     Intriguing, but horrid.  Well Vulnavia, as we should not judge a book by it's cover, neither should we judge a beer by it's name.  Forsooth -
Mud City Stout
Inside Conrad, not out
     This is actually a pretty nice brew!

Mutant Weasel Banana
Damn it all, why wasn't this around last week when I was chasing the picture?
Image result for beasel
Er - quite

* Yes it is.

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