I suppose, were I into journalistic endeavours like the Metro, I would make up for that dullness by using a screamingly bright font in the largest size possible, add a random photo and a few unattributed quotes, pepper it with exclamation marks and pitch it 30 degrees out of true.
But no! Conrad is all about integrity, veracity and the truth above all things*. So.
Coincidence The First. Dealing with a caller whose staff number was 3*9999, I generated a case number of 4*99*99, which is a whole lot of nines, and together they total 72.
Yes, I did mention dull, didn't I?
Coincidence The Second. Taking a call from a Mrs. S Double-Barrelled, I ambled over to Hannah, to consult her. There in the middle of her spreadsheet on an entirely different matter was - No! Not Lord Lucan! Mrs. S Double-Barrelled.
If your heart can take the stimulation, let us move on.
Coincidence The Third. I reflexively opened Brewster's yesterday at Page 760** and read about "Kangol", a company name derived from "Silk", Angora" and "Wool", before realising I already had a blog title. Today, in "Bleeding Edge", what do we hear mentioned but - Kangol caps.
Okay, we will be rather following a martial streak for the next few posts, so if your idea of a wild time is making daisy chains, ironing a shirt just so, or stirring the tea extra-specially hard, you might want to leave now and never come back.
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Imposing, magisterial and respected. There's a Tiger tank in the background, too |
Anyway. Behind them you can see, to the left, an FV432, an old British tin-can designed to carry troops to the edge of battle. This is relevant because converted FV432's were used as the German Tiger Tanks in "Saving Private Ryan". However, that Tiger tank behind Ga- Professor Sheffield is the only working one in the world, and you will have seen it in the film "Fury", going through it's paces.
Avro XH554
Apologies for the jargon, but this is the registration of the UK's last flying Vulcan bomber, which has been making a farewell tour of the country. I understand that the engines have reached their design lifetime limit; they can't be replaced because there aren't any replacements, so it's Bye Bye Big British Bomber. Here's a Youtube link:
Be advised - it is VERY loud; Vulcan's performing at airshows have been known to set off every alarm in the car park. Apparently when the engines hit 97% power, they create a howl, which is probably the most terrifying sound you are ever likely to hear and remain alive after.
Seeing a strategic bomber being flown and thrown around like a stunt kite is exhilarating, yet it doesn't give you any sense of scale. Allow me:
Size: Freakin' ENORMOUS! |
Well - obviously!
Allow me to post a screenshot:
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This must have been dreamed up by a civil servant with legal qualifications seeking to justify his walnut escritoire, glamourous personal assistant, index-linked pension and ever-increasing salary. "There's nothing in law to say that blowing up London with an H-bomb is illegal - Quick! Draft legislation! Phew, that'll stop 'em."Blimey, we're cranking it out tonight. 800 words and nowhere near finished. Better crack on!
Superheroes With Their Pants Down
I was going to begin with a screed that involved Westboro Baptist Church, a protest march and the San Francisco Gay Men's Choir, except that violates all the "NO!" criteria of BOOJUM! all at once.
Anyway, continuing with the X-Men theme, we shall focus tonight on "Angel", the name given to mutant Warren Worthington, who has wings.
Cheaper than Ryanair, but carries less luggage |
Prof. X: So, young man, how can we -
Angel: I've got WINGS!
Prof. X: Yes, I can see that. As I was -
Angel: I can FLY!
Prof X: The one does imply the other. Perhaps -
Angel: I've got WINGS and I can FLY!
Prof. X: Mister Worthington, what else can you do?
Angel: What, besides FLY with my WINGS?
Prof. X: Yes.
Angel: I can whittle a rabbit out of a block of wood.
See 1) below |
1) Confined spaces. With wings unfurled, Angel takes up an awful lot of space.
2) Mites, ticks and lice. Cleanliness, Warren, cleanliness!
3) Hunters. This is America^^. Everyone has a gun. Angel looks like a bird. Do the math. Bird shot, buck shot, all bad shot.
4) Territorial raptors. Sam the Bald Eagle might take offence at this large, strange bird that has come trespassing into his aerial domain ...
5) Low-flying aircraft. Angel is softer and bruises more easily than anything else in the air.
6) The Federal Aviation Authority. He isn't a bird so he must be a plane. Therefore - TAXES!
"Look, I want to re-negotiate my landing fees." |
I did worry about that Lychee Ice Cream I made last night, as it didn't thicken up in the ice-cream maker at all. Would it merely sit and turn into semi-liquid slop in the freezer overnight?
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No! |
* Mister Hand says "Who does he think he's kidding?"
* Just to ensure nobody can identify anything and no I'm not paranoid just careful
** I do hope you cross-check your 17th Edition with these page numbers.
*** Please! Never "Gazzer"
^ What an awesome job. Getting paid to muck about with tanks.
^^ Actually this is Royton, but you get my point.
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