In order to forestall Facebook's variable and unpredictable choice of which image it puts on the post, I first have to put in a visual non sequiteur*.
Ah, the Orang-Utang. The Buster Keaton of the ape world. |
Anyway, here you are:
A couple of rovers next to a burn that's black |
What's that? There happens to be a football club called "Blackburn Rovers"? Well I never! - oh that's right, I did post about Landrovers in Blackburn a couple of weeks ago. What an amazing coincidence!
I Have Doctor's Handwriting
Apparently. This revelation came about in a training session yesterday, when Cheryl made the observation, backed up by Dave Kerry who enlarged on my scribing being "un-necessarily complicated".
![]() |
Elaborate or excessive? Only you can judge! |
I'm So Excited!
Yessss, I can't wait until December 1st.
The reason? I saw this whilst queuing for coffe and because
![]() |
Mine, and precious |
Oh - it's the "Doctor Who Adventures" magazine, which is really a comic and a bit juvenile for Conrad***, but it does have a DOCTOR WHO ADVENT CALENDAR!!! with it, and a figure behind every door.
Did I get across how EXCITED I am?
Ally Sloper's Cavalry
I know, I know - one of those things that spontaneously appear in Conrad's brain. This is the phrase that the Army Service Corps of World War One referred to themselves by - "A.S.C."
Of course this begs the question who Ally Sloper is. Conrad had never bothered to find out until this morning.
Teh man himself. |
He is described as a "feckless antihero", constantly on the scrounge and endlessly trying to avoid his creditors. He continued for nearly 50 years until paper rationing in 1916 ended his comic.
So now you know.
The Screaming Voles
For their last album before deciding to break up and pursue careers in law, theology, computer research and music management, the Voles ponied up for the "Rocking all Over The Wold" album and directed their malicious wit at celebrity culture, viz. these lyrics from "Strolling Ones":
"Toxic to moles! Toxic to moles!
We hate the world's Cheryls^ -
And especially the Coles!
Toxic to moles! Toxic to moles!"
As Biff Bunkum explained, before he headed off to Silicon Valley, "We wanted to go out on a high note."
So long, Voles. A nation weeps with you.
Cheryl Coal. Close enough |
Quite how we got along without having a quotation from Eeyore each day is a mystery. He provides a touchstone of introspective morality about the human condition (for a donkey). What do you have for us today, Oh Sage Grey Eminence?
"Staring into the Pit of Despair"
There you go. Concise yet profound. Good enough to have been in "Pilgrim's Progress".
A Pit of dis pair. |
In the sense of generating blog posts. He asked the question "Why does a revolver hold six bullets?"
Good question! I pondered briefly on the matter and wondered if it had to do with the size of pistol rounds, and this does have some bearing: small bullets can be chambered in larger numbers and there are seven or eight shot revolvers out there; a larger calibre bullet means less bullets, and again there are five shot revolvers out there.
Then a shooter mentioned ergonomics: a chamber that revolves through 360 degrees means that it needs to revolve 60 degrees if holding 6 bullets; a higher or lower number of bullets means having the chamber rotate through odd or irrational numbers of degrees.
Another shooter pointed out that if you increase the number of bullets, you increase the size of the chamber, the size of the revolver and also it's weight. So 6 is a reasonable compromise.
Come on - you knew I'd use this picture! |
* No! Not something you prune roses with. A word or phrase that has no logical connection with the rest of the sentence or paragraph. French**.
** Note how I avoid any retorts about Latin.
*** That is, 0% sex or violence.
^ Not Cheryl who commented on my handwriting, though. She's alright.
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