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Monday, 29 January 2024

A Concatenation Of Misapprobation

 Or, If You Like -


     <sigh> I'm going to have to explain that title, aren't I?   Okay, okay, to 'concatenate' is to link together, especially into a chain arrangement, which is what we here at BOOJUM! do in the Intro.  'Misapprobation' means disliking, and if this word didn't exist previously, it most certainly does now.  Dance, English language, dance for Conrad!

     ANYWAY I thought I'd begin by showing how the concept of 'compact' works in real life, as related to Your Humble Scribe.  Art!

     That there is a Gliclazide tablet, massing all of 80 grams or a fraction of an ounce, with a ruler for scale.  Yet by sheer magic it is able to prevent a twenty-five stone middle-aged man from collapsing in a diabetic coma over his keyboard, for which you may all be truly grateful.  Art!

    This compact little spanker is a 'Wiesel', intended as mobile armoured firepower for the Bundeswehr airborne forces.  Note how small it is with the puny human for scale, as it was intended to be heliborne or air-dropped.  You can laugh, but if you're plain leg infantry that cannon will chew you up in the open.

     And then we come to the meat of the matter.  Art!

     This is such an amazing concentration of stupid in a small space that I couldn't let it lie.  Entirely absent whether Guns 'R' Good or Wicked Weapons, this Tweet ought to be re-titled a Twit.

     Let us accept their assertion about how many gun owners there are.

     "We are the largest de-facto army on earth"

     This instantly annoyed Conrad as they failed to capitalise "Earth".  They then claim that these 72 million are part of an army.

     O Rly?  Art!

     That, matey, is an army, or a small part of one.  All young, fit, trained and equipped to deliver serious harm to the oppoes.  Note the heavy metal at rear.  Art!

     These are some overweight, middle-aged cosplayers.  Do you see the difference?  Take your time.  End Pokeness also assumes that all these gun owners are a politically-homogenous group who all march to the same drum as he does, which is more than ludicrous.  His 'army' has no command structure, communications network, logistics, armour or air support.  Art!

     This is South Canada.  In case you'd forgotten, it's fnorping ENORMOUS.  Let us assume that those 72 million armed persons are uniformly spread across the continent.  How are the gun owners from Alaska or Hawaii going to get to the Texan border in order to stymie the Eeeevil Gubmint?  Those trying to get from Alaska to mainland CONUS are going to hit trouble at the Canadian border, as the British Americans take a very dim view of people trying to bring guns into their fair country.  Good luck trying to fly from Honolulu International with a carry-on full of pistols and ammunition.

     "They'll have to come through all 72 million of us".  O Rly?  Conrad sincerely doubts your 'army' could organise 720 people.  What, are the Deep State Federal Assassins going to head out from Washington, then move through Alaska, then California, then South Dakota, then Montana, then Oregon, then -

     I think you get my point.  There would, quite probably, be certain indicators that one-fifth of the entire US population was mobilising and heading to the Texas border, so those pesky Feds with their FBI and NSA and Homeland Security would very likely understand that there was a threat to the state and mobilise accordingly.  Art!

     That's a Warthog on a strafing run.  These things destroy main battle tanks; a column of 4x4s would get turned into iron filings, and those inside would die from being filled with holes the size of dustpan lids.  Shooting at it would make things worse, as muzzle flash would give away firing positions, and End Pokeness might come to realise that an AR-15 is not an effective air-defence weapon.

     Another reason he might not get the crowds - sorry, 'armed forces' - he expects is that the courts are still sentencing January 6th rioters, who are getting stiff sentences of many years.  Pear-shaped fantasists have been significantly missing from the streets since then.

     Conrad suspects Stupid is it's own punishment.  Brevity may be the soul of wit, yet it can also be abused by a Twit.

Mega-Block Mania

Number 6 in SpitBrix collection of his 20 Greatest Lego Builds of all time, up to that date, because you can bet someone will be trying to claim the Tallest Lego Building title any month now.  Art!

     No, not just a car made out of Lego - a life-size car made out of Lego.  This thing consumed 500,000 bricks and took the builder - Ryan Mcnaught - eight weeks to assemble.  Art!

With severed human arm for scale

     Ol' Spit also claims that the thing weighs four thousand pounds, or two tons, which, frankly, Conrad cannot credit, because that would make it heavier than the real thing, and Lego blocks are not denser than steel alloys.

Mega Block-Mania

Sorry, couldn't resist.  What happens in Mega City One when rivalries between city blocks spill over into violence?  Why, you get Block Mania, where their Citi-Def units - a militia present in each block - wage war on each other.  Art!

     As I recall this one, the sinister sneaky Sovs were behind this particular rumble, causing mayhem via pollution of block's water supply with an aggression-inducing chemical.

"City In The Sky"

Battle is about to be joined in New Eucla.  Shotguns against death-rays.  Place your bets.

     The co-ordinates had been sent and received, when another crisis landed squarely upon them: a radio message was being sent from New Eucla to one of the satellite communities in orbit!

     Panic amongst the Lithoi alone would have taken thirty or forty seconds to shut off the broadcast; instead their computers predicted the best course of action and initiated a powerful jamming signal instantly.  This also had the unfortunate side-effect of cutting off communication with Mirkan 93.

     At this point there were no anxious feelings amongst the lizard-folk.  Their flying-eyes were not designed to be crewed with live Lithoi but did have an emergency crawl-space built in over the landing gear, and Mirkan 93 would be occupying that space.  Once aboard, the flying eye would proceed to New Eucla and destroy the whole township with everyone in it.  As insurance, a second flying eye would go along, too.

     That was the plan.  A third party had their own plans, plans nobody else had even considered.


     A scouting group of hunting spiders, five in number, came scuttling over the baked earth, heading southwards to the sea like a set of severed hairy hands.  This would have taken them into the territory of New Eucla and under normal circumstances the voracious creatures would have kept clear

Whilst We're On The Subject Of Dreddy

One of the stories in the "Starlord" annual for 1980 concerns "Time Quake", and if we can prod Art into semi-sentience with this thermal detonator*, then -

     The series was set in the Fortieth Century and pre-historic times, definitely out of the remit of Dredd and Mega City one.  Yet what do we see in the reveal frame towards the end of the strip?  Art!  O stop whining it wasn't even primed

     Looks rather like a Mega City Judge to me.

     Of course, I could be overthinking this .....

Finally -

What a disgusting day it's been!  The kind of dirty dark dank dismal drizzly one where the lights have to stay on even at noon.  I think I need to go look at a few Youtube vlogs that gloat about Pimpkinhead and how much money he stands to lose by next week.  $370 million, potentially.  Tee hee!

     O and just to confirm the tracking algorithm on Blogger has gone flatteringly bonkers.  Art!

     If you believe that I have an Eiffel Tower  to sell you.

*  Don't worry, it's not primed.

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