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Sunday 14 August 2022

Backing Lookwards

It's Time For Our Retrospective

And of course I have to begin with the usual click-baity image gleaned from the pages of pulp magazines.  South Canadian pulp magazines, because I'm not sure they existed in other countries.  If they did then certainly not on the scale of the South Canadians, who will take a thing to excess if they like it enough - there is no other reason for MacDonald's to exist*.  Art!

     This one is bonkers.  Okay, two giant statues one can accept, but one having a living eye in the middle of it's forehead?  Where did the human female come from?  Why on earth and all the planets was a man imprisoned inside the head of the giant female statue?  Whatever the artists was smoking, I'll have a pint of it!

     ANYWAY let the links begin.


BOOJUM!: Words Of Cross (


BOOJUM!: A Look Back In Unger (


BOOJUM!: Terror From The Skis! (


BOOJUM!: A Hard Of Bison (


BOOJUM!: Apollo Thirtea (


BOOJUM!: It's Big And Floppy (


BOOJUM!: "I've Got A Little Black Book With Me Poems In" (


BOOJUM!: Time Is Tight (


BOOJUM!: Multicultural Me (

*  I had one of their burgers once.  It was vile. And I have no palate at all.

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