- for this is BOOJUM! where we pride ourselves on being SFW. Illogical, senseless and bizarre also perhaps, yet never NSFW.
I was speaking, of course, about "Suicide Squad". Sophie at work was utterly devastated after watching it and realising how utterly pants it was. Not merely pants-bad; more like the-entire-trousers-section-of-your-local-supermarket-bad. Although Degsy says there is actually a decent film version of same, except it's an animated one - "Batman Assault on Arkham". Check it out. Too late for Sophie, I'm afraid, as she's leaving to live in Germany - not, officially, because "Suicide Squad" is so pants, although your humble scribe has his doubts ...
Let's keep this Intro nice and short, as it inevitably leads into more of the (possibly) Big and Floppy -
Does this mean Sophie will come visit us? |
My Time Is Limited, You Know
Plus I have to sleep, or pretend to. So, the addition of another diverting podcast blog to the long, long list of sites that your humble scribe needs to pay attention to is yet another drain on my free time. A terrible discovery and all-round Bad Thing - "Flophouse". Herein the link:
"But - Conrad! It's devoted to critical and commercially unsuccessful genre films! Just your metier!" I hear you call.
Yes, and how many weeks-worth of material do you think they have banked there? Sufficient unto the day, matey, all of which eats into my time. Yes, my time, as my As Yet Un-named Employer rather frowns on staff randomly cruising the internet instead of <drones off into the distance>
Besides, who can resist the trainwreck of a big flop film? Not I. It's easy to make a poor film when your budget is limited, your actors are wooden unknowns and the shooting schedule is tighter than a gnat's waistcoat; making a disaster when you have a warehouse of cash, a stellar cast and the hopes of millions resting on your shoulders is a lot more interesting. Kind of The Asylum versus Twentieth Century Fox.
Speaking of which, 2015's "Fantastic Four" is an excellent case in point, yet another desperate effort to create a superhero franchise that would become a licence to print money.
"4" because that's how old they are (Well, almost!) |
Sadly not to be. It's IMDB rating has risen to a high of 4.3, which translates as "Bad". At one time it was resting at 3.9, which is "Sharknado" level, except on 120 times the budget.
Oh, and $120 million is only the quoted budget. Informed opinion - gleefully rubbing it's hands together - says add another 50% to that because of the huge amount of reshoots, and suddenly the $160 million box office looks a bit limp. There was brave talk at the time of a sequel, which your talented typist understands is a standard studio tactic to prop up a product perceived to be in trouble. Chances of a sequel currently stand at 0.0 or, if you want to be pedantic, 0.000000.
Enough of flops, let us instead discuss - cups. Yes, cups.
Made For Gunpowder Green Tea
As a reward for dogsitting whilst Wonder Wifey collected a mountain of curtain from the exotic dangerlands of West Yorkshire, I got this:
![]() |
Groovy! |
At Last! And Only Just
After boasting about how many pens I'd just bought, I insinuated that I was hopping and skipping off to B&M to buy even more, and that was days ago. Well, today I finally hopped and - okay, I ambled, but in a dangerous way - to B&M. Art?
The last pack on the shelves, too, so I know some of you are still human, too - oops, no, that was "The Thing", wasn't it? - so I know some of you are buying pens, too. Ergo not my solitary vice alone <thumbs nose at critics>. Since I already have about 35 pens on the go at present, I shall leave this pack untouched for a while, or at least until the craving for MORE PEN grows too strong to resist.
Give it a couple of hours.
Then There's This Stuff -
We popped into Heron Foods and I got some Cinnamon Biscuit ice cream, because I like
- Cinnamon
- Biscuits
- Ice cream
Firstly, it tastes like drinking liquid popcorn, which is no bad thing unless you were expecting a drink labelled as "Coconut Water" to taste of, well - coconut. Secondly, Wondery Wifey noted how much it cost when not on special offer - £1.69 per carton. Thirdly, there isn't any third, I'm just testing how much you were paying attention*.
* And upping the word count
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