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Friday 5 August 2022

The Sweet, Sweet Taste Of Schadenfreude

Unusually For German

This is a very succinct way of saying "malicious enjoyment of other people's misery", and here Conrad is going to bang on about - you can't really call him 'people' more 'a sack of excrement in human shape' - conspiranoid loonwaffle Alex Jones.  Actually his conspiranoid-mindset is all an act, which he tried as a reason to not get divorced and lose custody of his children.  The judge was not fooled.  Art!

Perry Mason

Mark Bankston

     I've had enough of Mister Shouty's mug.  Well, the plaintiffs in this defamation case have been awarded £3 million in compensatory damages.

     "Is that all?" I hear you pout.

     No.  That's the COMPENSATORY financial part of the jury's decision, which goes to a pair of Sandy Hook parents.  Today they will be sitting in judgement on how much AJ gets to pay in PUNITIVE damages.  Conrad really should have gotten a bucket of popcorn for this case.  I doubt that the full £115 million will get levied - however, one can only cross one's fingers and hope.  And I believe there are other cases pending against AJ.  Couldn't happen to a nastier gastropod.  Of course - because schadenfreude tastes so sweet yet has no calorific value - Your Humble Scribe has been checking out various Youtube channels that have been reporting on the case, and do you know in all the dozens and dozens of comments there hasn't been a single one in support of him.  Art!

     O but wait, it's not over yet.  To crown one of the worst weeks in AJ's life, allow me to introduce the January 6th Committee.  These are the people who are edging ever closer to making a case against The Braying Jackass, and if you don't know who I mean, just imagine a 'Drugged-out man-baby' as Joe Rogan described him.  He and AJ were thick as thieves back in 2020 and 2021, and AJ was safely hanging back from the Capitol mob - he has a lot of skin and likes to protect it.

     Well, the J6 Com got in touch with Mark Bankston, and told him they want a copy of the digital file sent to him by AJ's lawyers, you know, the one with EVERYTHING PRESENT FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS.  The Braying Jackass is manifesting an attitude of 'So what?' to the J6 Com, but knowing that AJ's phone is going to be scrutinised by them might shake his confidence a bit.  Who know what they'll find on it!

     Schadenfreude - less fattening than popcorn and soooooo rewarding.

Another Rarity

Just as a Perry Mason moment in court is exceptionally rare, so too is it very unusual for a completed film to not get released.  Not just delayed thanks to things like Covid, shelved completely.  Art!


     However, Warner Bros has scrapped the above only a few months before it was due to be released, after having invested £58 million in it, reportedly because test audience reactions were 'poor'.  Yes, except that's the BBC being all British and polite.  Sources in Hollywood said that viewers hated hated hated it, so much so that the studio decided to cut it's losses and shelve it, because you could double that £58 million for distribution and promotion.  It was seen as so bad it would damage the DC brand and potentially harm other DC releases.  Tellingly, it went completely unmentioned at the Sand Diego Comic Con's DC Panel.

     Wow.  It must have been a stinker!  Possibly as bad as "Batwoman" but with better production values.  Art!



Once again we return to a BBC themed photography exhibition, and I have not peeked ahead of time, honest.  Art!

Courtesy Tony Dowell

     I've no idea where this is.  Better Google it.  Hang on - Art!

     Thought so, "Rimutaka" has a Maori ring to it.  Wellington, land of the Polite Australians ('Kiwis' to be more formal).  

     Frankly, as a barrier a single strand of barbed wire is a disappointment.  See yesteryon's post for proof.

Back To Our Next Thrilling Instalment Of "The Sea Of Sand"

Chaos!  Terror!  Alien killing machines that are definitely not Italian infernal engines!

These machine guns were fifty calibre Vickers, firing armour-piercing rounds far bigger and more deadly than the depot’s rifles.  They banged out a stacatto rhythm for three seconds, blowing big holes in the alien machine, ricocheting around the interior and throwing delicate glass debris all over the road.  When firing ceased the machine had run backwards into the wall of a mud hut, the cylinder breaking apart and collapsing inwards.

          ‘Cor!  We stopped it!’ exclaimed the nervous crewman the Doctor had seen, now sticking only his nose and eyes above the turret.

          ‘There are still two more,’ cautioned the Time Lord.

 Sarah stayed in the lorry with the Italians, crammed in amongst them, standing up to see what on earth was going on.  The big black tank had advanced slowly down the roadway, killing several soldiers in the process.  Bullets merely bounced off the horrid machine, and she saw the Doctor running back to an armoured car.

          The truck driver favoured discretion over valour, reversing the truck into the gap between two piles of net-covered crates, then driving forward across the roadway and into another symmetrical arrangement of boxed supplies, before stopping.

          More gunfire sounded from J Force, rising to a crescendo, then abruptly stopping.

          ‘I’m going to see what happened to the Doctor,’ called Sarah to the truck driver, who sat fiddling with a sub-machine gun.  ‘Can I get past?’ she asked the Italians, packed in like sardines, standing upright.

          As you can tell, these alien vehicles are manifestly vulnerable to armour-piercing ammunition, if not mere rifle rounds.  Art!

World's deadliest dustbin?

Another Experimunkle

I might keep this up.  Once again I have opened my Brewer's at random, and the first entry is "Ostracism", which is derived from the Greek 'Ostrakon', which means 'Potsherd'.  Or a bit of pot, for those not familiar.  Art!

A herd of pot

     The practice was for citizens to vote for the exclusion of a person deemed a threat to the state, by scratching their name of a potsherd and depositing in a container, and the person voted Most Likely To got invited to leave the polis quick sharp, or they'd meet sharp in person.  We are less inclined to involve sharp objects today, that's how much more sophisticated we are,

Finally -

Your Humble Scribe is working from home tomorrow, which is not a job he enjoys as everyone else gets to lie in and be slothful.  However, there are compensations: no phone work, so I can play my music uninterrupted.  And a nine o'clock start, so not having to get up at the crack of dawn <shudders>.  Yes, I remember having to get up at five to six when I was working in The Dark Tower on an early shift.  No fun on a cold, dark, wet Wednesday, knowing that your punctuality was in the hands of Worst Bus.  Art!

Conrad experiencing the above

     Oooh, oooh, there might be an update tomorrow on what the punitive damages for AJ are, that's something to look forward to!  Dog Buns.  No popcorn in the house.  I wonder if there's any in stock up at the Summit shops?

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