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Sunday 21 August 2022

Agog With A Blog

 Time To Look Backwards Again

Yes, it's Sunday, so I have to bring up a click-baity picture to entice the unwary in, and then list a load of links to previously issued nonsense.  The risk is that, because Your Humble Scribe never goes back to re-read his scrivel, I will get caught up in perusing stuff and thus take half an hour over what should take ten minutes.  Art!

Hmmmm Nope.  Sorry, a creature that large would collapse under it's own weight.  Not only that, it looks to be a carnivorous predator thanks to those teeth.  What on earth is it's daily food requirement going to be - a herd of elephants?  And as for the human response, do you really want to try and prevent millions of pounds-worth of property damage with a searchlight?  Or - to be honest, it looks more as if it's firing Silly String.  This is not going to end well.

     Okay, time to post our links.


BOOJUM!: British Character Actors As Villains (


BOOJUM!: Bricks And Mortar (


BOOJUM!: When Cool Is Hot (


BOOJUM!: I Say By Golly, Here's More Strife And Folly! (


BOOJUM!: Tea 2: Judgement Chai (


BOOJUM!: Follow The Light (


BOOJUM!: It's James T Kirk - Being A Jerk! (


BOOJUM!: A Mad Dash! (


BOOJUM!: Fairly Gruntled Tonight (

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