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Wednesday 14 August 2013

Multicultural Me

Well whilst drinking British beer (thank you Bombardier) I am listening to "Sabeltanz", which is German for "Sabre Dance", a composition by the Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov, after eating Buttermilk Cornbread, an American dish.

Is There Anyone Out There?*
     I apologise for not posting a blog  yesterday, but I was busy reading a whole bunch of fan-fiction I wrote six or seven years ago.  Tangentially related to Doctor Who, it recounted the story of an officer in UNIT over several years during the mid to late 1970's, and you know, it wasn't bad. How good I'm not sure, but not bad.
     Then there were the novel-length fan-fiction works I wrote and posted.  I got some very flattering feedback for these, which is nice because I took them seriously.  A lot of the stuff on Fanfiction incorporates all sorts of wishes and wants by the authors  - romance, crossovers with other fictional characters, slight plots extended to extinction, romance, silliness, no spellcheck or grammar correction, romance - you get the idea.

If you want to check out one that got some favourable reviews.

In today's bakery -
     Well, I made buttermilk cornbread in half the recipe's amount, checking if it would fit into a 7" by 11"** tin.  It did, most snugly.  Now I know how to manage a Cornbread Cobbler.  Also, there were Savoury Rice Pancakes - nice, but perhaps a tad bland.  I've not been successful with pancakes over the years, they - and torte - are two bakey-cakey products that seem to baffle me at every turn. No longer!

Mid-August Melodrama
     I don't know what you chaps out there across the world (hello Denmark!) do for your Further Educational results, but in my time it was an occasion of fear, and wonder, but mostly fear. Tomorrow my darling daughter gets her A level results, and I will find out what these are at short notice, for - Lo! - am I not the taxi-driver to take her there and back?
     I know she'll have done extra-specially well in her arts subjects but my fingers are crossed for the English.
     Good luck Sal!

Gotta get going, that zombie novel ain't gonna write itself ....

*Yes, another Pink Floyd reference, and just out of spite I'm not going to tell you which one.  Ha!
** Imperial measures, baby, Imperial measures.

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