Conrad does not make spelling mistakes. If the word is there, then it is intended to be there, in the exact same form that you see it in. So - there.
Perhaps I ought to have used the Finnish word for Finland, that is, 'Suomi'. Which means 'swamp' if I recall it from memory correctly.
A this point I think a bit of map is in order. Art?
Land of the midnight sun and all that |
Enter Mysterious Volume #1. Art?
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Pictures of Finland |
I got this at a car-boot sale for 50p, with the vendor saying they thought "It's Russian". No it's not. Art?
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"Ruffian" my hairy white posterior! |
Here an aside. One of the more bizarre conspiracy theories out there - which is saying a lot when you consider people firmly believe Adolf Schickelgruber is alive and well and living under the polar icecap bravely fighting off the KGB with their mind-control lasers* - is that Finland does not exist and never has done, that there is merely an enormous gulf where maps insist it sits, and it's all been dreamed up between Japan and the Ruffians. Something to do with fish.
Scandinavia, absent Finland |
Right, motley, you just take hold of this cute little bear cub whilst we drive off - that noise you can hear is it's mother looking for it. Good luck now!
Very good luck. |
Or, "Bus Be Coming", which I admit is a bit South Canadian vernacular: I couldn't do any better whilst under time pressure. Sorry.
Anyway, it is my contention that, whenever I am under time pressure of a morning, most especially when on an early shift, the BBC deliberately and maliciously puts lots and lots of interesting sidebar articles and headlines on it's website. This is almost too tempting to resist - "Oh it won't take more than a minute to read this through - aha - I see - well what do you know - uh-huh - very interesting - what were they think OH DOG BUNS THE BUS IS DUE IN FIVE MINUTES!" This morning I only made the bus with seconds to spare.
But do please continue to be interesting.
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"UAE claims four vessels targeted for sabotage" How could I resist? |
To coin a phrase. Conrad has, of late, come across a very interesting set of Youtube videos, which you might collectively call "Anti-scamming". To understand how they work, you need to know that there is a species of scammer based in India who ring endless people selected from the phone book. Entirely at random. If they get a response, they introduce themselves as "Edward" (despite having an accent you could slice and put on bread) and try to bamboozle those answering to allow remote access to their computer "to fix it".
The dirty dogs! |
However ...
There are a number of extremely technically competent IT people out there who have decided to take the battle to the scammers. Take Jim Browning, for example.
That's the link to a very entertaining video where a scammer contacts him using Teamviewer. The people behind this software have realised that it was being grossly abused by scammers in India, so the scammers now have to allow you access to their PC - then they flip the connection and remote control your machine.
Teamviewer |
The universal response of the criminals when they get punked like this is to resort to Bad Swears, threats, and then crying or begging for their machine to be released.
Yeah, this and these. |
"One, Two, Buckle My Shoe"
Beware, for there are some SPOILERS AHEAD.
YOU WERE WARNED! AS THOUGH HIS APE'S BRAIN - oops, no, sorry, that's from "Forbidden Planet", isn't it? Still - SPOILERS.
I refer to the recently-aired Hercule Poirot mystery, which I have already yarked on about, but this is different, honest.
Okay, so Blunt and his bigamously-married wife are about to be blackmailed by the sinister and foreign Amberiotis. Art?
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There he is, being all furrin' and all. |
Convoluted, nicht war?
Given that Blunty had a gun all along, why not just - oh, I don't know - shoot Amberiotis?
Also cures toothache |
"Revolver found in his cold dead hand -" says Scotland Yard's finest.
WRONG!! As you can plainly see above, it was a semi-automatic. Completely different kettle of fish.
Conrad: splitter of hairs to the 142nd degree.**
Finally -
Because <ahem!> you can't have fins without having sharks -
Sharks are our friends!*** |
* I did not make this up. Which is worrying.
** Also Grand High Poo-Bah Of The English Pedantry Society
*** Really!
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