The Barb of Avon as I call him, since Your Humble Scribe b****y well hates him, and can only thank the Fates that I never had to study his Sonnets at "A" Level, or I'd have gone stark staring mad.*
NO! Art, you drivelling bafoon, not THAT kind of stark! |
Anyway, what we are to discuss now has nothing to do with palace intrigue or witches or mooning teenaged lovers, but rather the landscape of Egypt and Libya during the Second Unpleasantness.
Rom and Jom. |
Study this carefully. There will be questions. |
Aircraft taking off |
An M3 Honey at speed |
More Of The Strugatsky Brothers
Whilst we are being serious, let us return to the brothers, and, Your Humble Scribe ever being one to break convention, I started reading the Afterword in "The Doomed City" - and I haven't even finished it yet! O
The brothers noted that, once they'd finished the manuscript, they put it away, firmly convinced that it would never, ever get published. This, you see, was during the height of the Sinister empire, when Thoughtcrime was an actual offence, not merely an amusing satirical term.
<purses lips thoughtfully> |
What ho!
KGB Headquarters. LOOK AWAY, QUICKLY! |
The Way To Dusty Meth
Ha! Do you see - O you do. My curiosity was piqued by an early episode of "Justified", where a backwoods meth lab run by a trio of low-lifes is blown up by the simple expedient of chucking a Molotov cocktail into it.
Before |
Why is this so?
The horribly volatile and explosive and toxic and shock-sensitive chemicals in use are one cause. These may include, but are definitely not limited to: red phosphorus; lithium; ether; hydrophosphorous acid; acetone; ethyl alcohol and probably tanked propane gas and jerricans of petrol to fuel both generators and lab equipment.
![]() |
Red and dead |
A hasty retort ... |
Almost as big a bang as that one over at the log flume. Let me just see what -
Well. I never knew that logs can fly.
Another "Before" photo |
The Laud Of Light
Ha! Do you see what I - O you do. Yes, we are back onto clickbaity territory and "Game of Thrones" again.*** Art?
You see? |
* Yes you would be able to tell the difference! Cheeky swine.
** Quite a lot, one suspects.
*** As games go, it's quite ferociously unpleasant, don't you think?
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