For no, I am not lauding myself to the heavens as a paragon of <thinks> pulchritude and perceptive prescience. Rather, I am referring to that animated phenomenon "The Incredibles", and the screen photographs I took of it ages ago, in pursuit of my whimsical wondering about that film (and it's successor), namely: what year is the film set in?
In case you forgot |
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Ah. Yes. |
However! I have just discovered the title of an old "Thunderbirds" strip from the late Sixties, and shall regale you with that instead. It'll do as a stopgap, hmmm?
The strip in question is titled "The Antarctic Menace", with sublime artwork by that comics genius Frank Bellamy. Art?
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Things exploding! |
Will zombie penguins do instead? |
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Conrad not entirely sure why it needs to be able to roar ... |
Hello, motley! Have a slice of fruit cake and a steaming hot cup of Darjeeling!**
The Ballfoot Game And Stress
It was always a wonder to Conrad, at all the institutions he's ever worked at, that the ballfoot fans employed there would torment themselves for a couple of hours in the afternoon whenever their teams played. Not only that, there was all the pre-match tension to enjoy/experience/suffer excuciatingly (delete where applicable), too.
Tranquiliser of choice |
Paul Weller and mates live in Manchester |
Close enough |
My suggestion is that they determine the Kicking-Off Time (after the colloquialism "it all kicked off" meaning a gigantic rucus ensued), wait one hundred and twenty minutes for the matches to finish, and then check the Beeb's website, which will inform them of the end result.
Really, it's so staggeringly simple I wonder nobody has ever thought of it before!
Ha! |
Yes, another blather about the Cryptic Crossword in the M.E.N. The clue was "Spring jumper on the bed (12)", and I got 5 letters of it without coming close to a solution. Conrad is unsure if a "bed" is any part of a trampoline, but - no, no, we will let it go.
As one thing inevitably leads to another, I wondered where the word "trampoline" itself came from.
Said article |
My, aren't we being sporty today! I think I need to go lie down and recover.
I do note a bit of a plot hole in "The Incredibles", although it's probably only evident to people like nuclear war planners, ICBM crews, radar technicians, and Conrad.
Okay, to review: Evil Bad Guy plans to yaddah-yaddah-yaddah and thus <insert hopelessly convoluted plan and rationale here> by firing his giant rocket at Metroville. Art?
Said rocket |
You see, a ballistic missile being launched from the mid-Pacific with an impact on the East Coast will be picked up by NORAD and be seen as a first-strike launch from a Sinister submarine. Especially if it is followed up by another launch from the same location only slightly later -
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Of course, I could be overthinking this ...
* And an anorak.
*** There are over 2,000 about that match taking place in Baku.
^ I know 2 exclamation marks is pushing it, but the subject matter warrants it.
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