- and the transport company of the London Rifle Brigade, all horse-drawn vehicles at this point in the century, hence today's title. Being horse-drawn does not mean the armies of Perfidious Albion were being backward: everyone used horses in large amounts during the First Unpleasantness (and well into the Second, too). Art?
A general service wagon |
A valise |
One cannot really blame them! |
Horses - a mind of their own.
Okay, motley - you're going to be in the middle of the pool, whilst we stand at the side and throw chunks of sodium into it.
Sodium + Water = Chemical explosion! |
Enough of horses! BOOJUM! will now -
- Review Films
According to our charter, which means Horribly Literally, with no nonsense about research or background. That is, unless we think a few laughs can be squeezed out of it, in which case Beware Mark Kermode!
How to scare cats the Mark Kermode way! |
How to crack walnuts the Josef Stalin way!* |
Wheeeee! |
Yes NO!
Incidentally, DL appears to have gone the way of Mark Oliver Everett (Mr E of Eels) in deciding that a great straggly beard is an essential fashion accessory. In this he is as mistaken as the aspiring hipsters who bless the streets of Gomorrah-on-the-Irwell, featuring beards that look like doormats stapled to their chins.*
One is Emma. One is not. |
I would be interested to know what these good omens are. At present the skies are a muggy grey reminiscent of used cotton wool. It's still not the weekend, I have not won the Lottery (this would indeed be an achievement as I never play it), Thomas Pynchon has not written another novel and both Russell Brand and Alan Carr are still alive and breathing. What's good about any of that?
The clock is ticking, matey. Ticking. |
How Very - British
<thinks about what epitomises British> - aha! that old saw - "As British as a bowler-hatted badger on a bicycle, biting a brown-sauced bacon butty, in Bicester".
This island race are definitely odd. It comes of being an island, and thus on the borderline of inbred. Take "Springwatch" as an example. Art?
A British Badger. |
Made up of 1005 Awwww! |
Actually, make the most of it whilst you can - doubtless in a few years time some banner-waving bumbletuck will try to get this removed because " - it's intrusive and voyeuristic and the badgers were never consulted -" but their case will be thrown out of court because - BRITISH!
Wheee! |
I did blather on yesteryon about the landbridge that used to connect the Continent to England, and how it got swept away, finally being destroyed about 6,000 years ago. This area of land has of recent years been christened "Doggerland", and if Art will put down his plate of coal for a moment -
Doggerland well before 6,000 BC |
![]() |
I.e. this did not happen |
Or I may not. I'm fickle like that <sniggers>
* You're quite right, this has nothing whatsoever to do with anything.
** Lest you imagine a First Bus metamorphosing into a large transport building a la Hong Kong Phooey's car -
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