Nothing to do with <hack spit> Current Affairs. No, rather I refer to the state of the world outside, covered with snow. I have, just now, finally warmed-up from a state of near immobility this morning. Indeed, the only parts of me that are warm are my feet.
Anyway, I thought this would be an opportune moment to post a picture from one of my favourite films, one that isn't actually in the finished film itself. Art?
Pretty scary - at a distance |
I am, perhaps, eliding "Cold"and "Mine" where the latter word is not strictly true: what we see is a sub-basement level of US Geological Survey Outpost 31, carved out of the ice to accommodate the base's generator.
What's that? You were expecting another article about The Doors, this one about an album they allegedly made called "Weird Scenes Inside The Gold Mine"? Pshaw! I don't believe a word of it. And, even if they did - which I'm not admitting, mind - then it is simply an amazing coincidence. Yes, just like all those other amazing coincidences about classic rock album titles of late.
Anyway, I can settle a long-lasting debate about the film's final scene. Art?
Here's the Thing - |
The answer is neither. Don't forget, John was filming this and he'd never have got out of the wreck of Outpost 31 is either of these chaps wasn't a fully-fledged human being. And to those who say he might be a Thing, well, it's been over 30 years and Hom. Sap. hasn't been supplanted.*
I was going to put a Polish film poster of "The Thing" up here, except it's far too scary.
Time to pour water over the motley and tie it to the nearest lamp-post!
Ooh, Ooh, Schadenfreude Ahoy!
It really isn't worthy of me, but I am anticipating the opening of Comments on the Beeb's sport website that deals with the ballfoot game.
"Where is the real Conrad!" I hear you challenge. "He is well known for detesting the ballfoot game - release him -"
![]() |
Here I am, in all my steely-eyed glory, as human as - as - let me get back to you on that. |
That rustling noise is me rubbing my hands together in ill-disguised glee.**
Do You Play Bridge?
Conrad was intruiged by a story about protesters at the Trafford Centre in Gomorrah-on-the-Irwell, who are extremely fed-up about prolonged delays in bringing a bridge into service. This new, travelling, bridge, is to take overflow traffic trying to reach the Trafford Centre, as currently the motorway cannot cope and there are horrendous traffic jams. Conrad here points out that he's been to the Trafford Centre twice, which was once too often. Art?
New bridge in foreground, Barton Bridge in the background |
Hmmm. |
Finally -
I realise I have set myself quite a task in attempting to make people Love The Shark, but what is life if not a challenge? Anyway, I came across a game called "Shark Mania", which Art will provide a picture for. Art?
Family-friendly shark |
![]() |
Note shark behind the purple playing piece, chewing up the causeway |
* Yet.
** Tee hee! Oh, I just checked the Comments page - 215 comments in about 10 minutes.
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