Although I usually add a proviso the effect that it's unwise to provoke a man* who is both familiar with the poisons of antiquity and designing nuclear warheads. You might class that as either bad company or an interesting guest at the dinner table. And don't worry, I consider it bad form to murder one's hosts.
Okay, back to the blog. One of my most favouritest 2000 AD stories concerned Bad Company, a future war tale about the eponymous band of rapscallions, led by the tormented warrior Kano. If Art can put down his plate of coal long enough -
The boys are back. And bad. |
Kano: not a chap to get on the wrong side of, actually. |
Presto change-o |
Which is where we came in ...
What's that? You were eagerly awaiting a respectful look back at the discography of that famous British stadium-rock band Bad Company?
No. Just that. Although I do remember watching the Jeff Bridges film "Bad Company", where one of the titular rapscallions is stranded in the hinterland of the far West, and survives by shooting, roasting and eating a skunk.
Roast skunk! I'd rather take my chances against Kano et al. |
A word to the wise - as is evident, this is the only blog post for today, as we all have better things to do on Christmas Eve than read (or write) a load of salacious drivelling nonsense.
"The Deadly Mantis" (1957)
I know what you're thinking - how many different films about giant preying mantises have there been made, that this one requires a date to differentiate it from the others? That's just me being precise. Or pedantic. One of the two, take your choice. Art?
Hmmmm. |
A matter of scale |
Smog in Manhattan: the peril of our times |
Of course, I could be over-thinking this ...
Ah Me, Another Thief Of Time
As you ought to know by now, Conrad is a sucker for word puzzles of any description, and is never happier than when tackling a cryptic crossword. Although numbers are not my forte, I also manage the easier versions of Sudoku, and in the Christmas edition of the Manchester Evening News (Gomorrah-on-the-Irwell's finest daily paper) I came across a number puzzle called 'Kakuro'. Art?
![]() |
With evidence of working it out. Just for proof. |
Finally -
Because it rhymes, here's the very excellent game "Escape From Atlantis", which is well worth playing and far better than the one-trick pony that is "Mousetrap".
Commencing escape! |
* We are using the term broadly here
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