And, consequently, it will probably take me three times as long as usual to post this daily dose of drivel. Now, I know what you're thinking - after all, DARPA have just invented that telepathy helmet - and No! This post has nothing to do with the classic heavy metal album by Iron Maiden that just so happens, entirely coincidentally and by sheer happenstance, to share the blog's title. Though, if you came here expecting to see that zombie thing they have as a mascot, I suppose I'd better not disappoint. Art?
No, Art, no. Let's try again - |
<sounds of electrical discharge and shrieking>
Okay. "The Number of the Beast", Art.
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Finally! |
No, this first blog post's title refers to that black and white monster classic, "The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms", and we're going to look at those numbers a bit closer. You see? Numbers? Beasts? I'm watching it at present whilst typing this out, hence the prediction that I'll be here for ages, which will not go down well with Edna, who expects an afternoon walk as a right, not a privilege.
A little mathematical jiggery-pokery proves what some other anorak/saddoe/extremely prescient film fan* also noticed, that this critter comes from far too deep in the abyssal depths - 20,000 fathoms comes to a depth of nearly 23 miles, and the deepest part of the ocean is the Challenger Trench, at less than 7 miles. Tut tut!
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Conrad: happy happy happy. |
Now we've got that vitally important nit-picking out of the way, let us push the motley off from the highest part of the ski slopes!**
My Newest Project
I did mention that I've been collecting the "Invincible" trade paperbacks, for lo! several years now. It starts off quite light and fluffy, then rapidly becomes EXTREMELY VIOLENT, which is what we want in a comic, right? Now, let me poke Art with a fork -
That's the collection to date, with three off-shoot titles as well, and I believe there's a couple more one-offs that I haven't yet collected. Anyway, my bright idea is to read the whole lot in sequence now that they're just about to end, which will probably take so long that the final edition will be out before I reach the finish.
Opprobrium Not Encomium
Or, more of Conrad slagging off the Nork 'Special Forces'. The thing about that title is that one is led to expect soldiery up to the standards of the British Legion of Death-Dealing Dastards, or the S.A.S. to you. Actually, given that the ethos of SF forces in the West is Quality Not Quantity, Conrad is suspicious of the Norks claiming that their 180,000 SF are at all special, because you can't have Quantity like that with any degree of Quality.
The Only Fat Man In North Korea is annoyed at BOOJUM! (we can live with that) |
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Danger! South Korean booby-trap lying in wait |
* Delete where applicable
** Sounds quite harmless, doesn't it? Yeah, well - rocket-skis.
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