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Saturday 9 December 2017

Nice Ice, baby

That's Irony, Lest You Be Unaware
Once again I am inputting this scrivel at work, so once again it's a bit of crossing fingers that the photograph updates properly, in which case you will have the following vista - Art?

     And if not then I'll probably stick in a picture of a zombie rabbit attacking a vampire carrot, whilst driving a Challenger tank.*
     Assuming the picture does upload, you will be able to see a glittering sheet of ice hugging the pavement like a best friend.  This is the consequence of snow in the high hills, as the sun never gets high enough to shine upon this low-budget glacier, created by the ceaseless stamp of feet (and paws - lots of dogs get walked here).  Thus your humble scribe tip-toes very carefully over it, for a fall would surely damage the pavement.
     What's that?  You thought this would be an homage to that has-been of zero musical talent who now lives in a van?** GET OUT OF HERE!  and I'm not even going to put up his name.
     Okay, time to tie the motley to a 4-wheel drive and drag it over the rocks!

For Your Information
Your humble hack enjoys messing about with words - look no further than this very blog for proof - and has done for lo! these many years.  This has given him some facility with them, and here's the proof.  Art?

     I got it straight away. "Adventure".
     This may not be news to you, nor even very entertaining, but it entirely validates my sense of self-worth.  Conrad:  Wordsmith.

Squares Becoming Round
Conrad has seen most of the series of Mythbusters, and wonders how they ever sold it to television in the first place.  One can imagine the pitch session: "Okay, what we'll do is look at dangerous things to test, which will include blowing shizzle up, burning it, dropping it from great heights and electrocuting it.  Plus we get paid for it."
     If your modest artisan had been behind the desk, they'd have got the green light at word 17.
     Anyway, last night I caught up with The Car With Square Wheels Myth, which is less a myth than a wicked idea Jamie had, and which Adam took onboard with vigour.  The posit was than a car with square wheels would run in an horrendously bumpy manner at first, but when it picked up speed, this rough ride would reduce.
Image result for teddy roosevelt rough riders
Square and round
     And here we try to load up another one I prepared earlier.  Art?

     You can see that the wheels are, indeed, square.  With a bit of testing it was found that you got the best ride with contraposed wheels at a 220 angle.  I say "best" but "least destructive" would be more apt, as the car's chassis was shattered and the engine block dismounted by the appalling nature of the drive.
     But they proved Jamie's point:  upon accelerating, the ride did indeed experience significantly less trauma.

Oh I Say!
Just by chance I happened across an intriguing picture of Teddy Roosevelt and a group of friends, all toting what appeared to be anachronistic weapons.  "What's this?" I thought to myself - being in work it doesn't do to alarm colleagues by talking to oneself.  Art?
Image result for teddy roosevelt rough riders aftershock
Well, it's got me curious

     It would appear that this graphic novel (NEVER merely a comic!) came out last year and has entirely passed me by.  Shades, methinks, of The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.***  Conrad is a sucker for Alternative History, and, personally, I think the finest episode of "Sliders" ever was the one where the American Revolution had never happened, and the Union Jack flew boldly o'er the Whitehouse. 
     I do need to pop into Travelling Man soon, and see if this graces their shelves there.
Image result for british whitehouse
Do you see?  DO YOU SEE!  This need never have happened.
(theatrical sigh)

     These final lines are being typed at The Mansion, which I managed to reach in good time, despite fearing that we'd be snowed in; which is the consequence of living on a hill atop a range of other hills, where there is no nice ice, baby.
     Right, time to go inhale a bit of food and heat up the dancing phalanges.  Later!

*  With an atomic explosion as wallpaper
**   He might not, but it's nice to imagine.
***  I liked the film and will proudly say so to all (I have no shame)

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